Am So., 4. Apr. 2021 um 21:16 Uhr schrieb Jakub T. Jankiewicz <>:
> On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 4:52 AM Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen <
>> wrote:
> > #lang can be used to provide a completely separate reader but in most
> > cases, it will be used to provide the default reader with a dynamically
> > extended read-table. See at the end of this page for an example in
> > Racket: <>.
> > 
> Okay, so you mean #reader rather than #lang.  The trouble with #reader is
> that it is so flexible that it is not obvious how to lock it out other than
> with a "suppress mode" that parses but returns nothing (CL *read-suppress*
> parameter), which is a messy complication.  The example of  '(1 #reader
> "five.rkt"234567 8) becoming '(1 "23456" 7 8) is undelimited, and so we
> have to parse the digits but return zero values. If parsing and semantic
> processing are intertwined, this is quite difficult.

I thought from discussion that you don't want to allow #reader or #lang in
arbitrary place. So it works like She bang #! at the beginning of the file. So
in other places it's just symbol, part of the symbol or syntax error.

"#lang" usually appears at the top of the file so this is what I originally had in mind. "#lang" selects (in particular) the reader to be used and I am still convinced that changing the reader halfway through is not a good idea.

"#reader", on the other hand, is part of Racket's default reader and seems to be a kind of a very general reader macro. After "#reader <module-path>" has been seen, Racket passes control of the input stream to the specified "macro" until it returns with a datum.

It seems that Racket throw error in this case (at least in REPL):

(list '#lang)

But I'm not sure if the error is correct, when using:

(list '#lang baz)

it try to load the language, and then complain about unexpected `)`

#lang ...

in Racket seems to be parsed so that it is delimited by the end of the file. See the comment at the beginning of this page: <>. But please be aware that I am no Racket expert.