MarketWisely First Alert Team News

Hi srfi-discuss!

The reason you are receiving this message is because you have requested information about building an income on the Internet by responding to one of our questionnaire or (survey) forms online. You have now come to me and I'll be sharing some information with you on what I feel is one of the best
opportunities available today.
After reading this, you will know what all this Juvio talk is about.  Frankly, they kinda scare me because they are SO different than any company I have worked with ? check it out:
24/7 Tech Support ? want to see the techs?  Go to their live webcam at:
Over 100 employees on staff - wanna see their Associate Care Reps?  Click the link to see the live webcam at:
Did you know that in 2002, Juvio?s founder Mr. Cunningham was a finalist for the Ernst & Young?s Entrepreneur of the Year award in the e-commerce division?  See his Bio at:
Over 90,000 square feet of office space available ? wanna see the office?  Here is a picture of the young and spirited staff ? man talk about high morale!  These guys know how to have fun - 
Now that?s what I call an open book!  These guys don?t hide behind a website, if you want to talk to them pick up the phone; it is that simple: 1-866-40-JUVIO (58846).
Last time we talked about Reason #1:
An Opportunity that everyone loves. 
Today we discussed:
                        Why Juvio will Work for you: 
Reason#2: Corporate Stability AND they don?t hide!
The difference between a company with stability and one that
is here today and gone tomorrow is Integrity.  The Fact is
that at least 90% of all new businesses fail within the
first three years, and about 80% fail within the first year. 
According to Monty Enbysk of Microsoft's bCentral, "If the company
that you?re interested in has been around for more than three years,
it is not likely only legitimate, but viable."
Juvio?s parent company Visium Solutions has been in the San
Diego area for more than three years.  They are members of
both the San Diego Chamber of Commerce and The Better Business
Visium Solutions is now the 5th largest leads generation company,
As reported by Jupiter Media Metrix.
Partnering with a company that has had long term success and an ?open website policy? gives you, the Independent Juvio Associate, the kind of confidence you need to build a Solid Home Based Business.
And with the Marketing System Juvio has developed you will be able
to leverage your time and efforts as you build your own network of Juvio Associates.
But more on this next time....
See you at the top - 
Until Next time then!
Pauline Allen
P.S. So you like the company BUT you not sure how you are going to make money with Juvio?  Don't worry about HOW to build the network srfi-discuss,
they've got that wired!  Check out the marketing plan at:

P.P.S.  Be sure to call if you have any questions or if you'd like
to discuss how you can start your Juvio business! 1-866-40-JUVIO (58846)
Their current hours are 6am to 10pm PST.  I hear they might be going to 24/7 on that too?you gotta go join us srfi-discuss - go now, don?t waste anymore time!

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