MarketWisely First Alert Team News

Hi srfi-discuss!

The reason you are receiving this message is because you have
requested information about building an income on the Internet by
responding to one of our questionnaire or (survey) forms online.
You have now come to me and I'll be sharing some information with
you on what I feel is one of the best opportunities available today.
How goes the search for the perfect home-based business?
It?s a big decision we know.  Please don't hesitate to
call us if you have any questions or just want to discuss
options! 1-866-40-JUVIO (58846)
Let's talk about the Why Juvio Works #3!
                  Reason # 3: The Perfect Price!
      Get Three And your service is Free!
I know everyone is concerned with, ?How Much Does It Cost??
And it?s a very true fact that the price of a Home Based Business
Opportunity can deter a lot of new distributors when they are
just getting started.
The price is one of the VERY BEST aspects of the Juvio Opportunity!
Let?s take a look at what you can expect to pay for dedicated Computer
Technical Support in today?s market:
Microsoft - $35 per Incident ($200 per phone call)
Handspring - $20 to 25 per Incident
Palm - $20 per Incident
Hewlett Packard - $35 per Incident
Tech 24 ? 14.95 per Incident
Yahoo - $1.99 per Minute
Now those prices can really add up!  Do you think those support teams
are available 24 hours a day?
How about the frustration of dealing with the old vendor bounce.... here?s
an excerpt from a story that recently ran in the Wall Street Journal
?When consumers seek help with glitches, many find
themselves bounced back and forth between vendors,
each blaming the other for bugs or responsibility.
When Linda Schultz of Minnesota couldn't open Microsoft
Word on her new $1,400 Dell PC, she called Dell's tech support
line. After being put on hold for 45 minutes, she said, a Dell
Computer agent told her it was AOL's fault. After another hold,
AOL told her it was Dell's fault. So began a two-month ordeal,
as Ms Schultz tried to get her computer running. Along the way,
she threw the phone, threw a mop and stabbed a chair with a fork:
"I aged 10 years," she says.?
I don?t know about you but I think a service that?s available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, 365 days a year, with an 800 number to call, no long hold
times, and no call time limit would be worth it?s weight in gold!
AND you can use them to LEARN how to do things on your computer too?
It is NOT just troubleshooting!!!
Here?s the best part!  The Juvio Computer Technical Support
Service is only $41.95 per month and that includes the Distributor fee!
Better yet the service is FREE when only three other people sign up for
Juvio in your downline!  There is no better price.
Who wouldn?t want a great service like this for FREE!?!?!?!!
Check it out at:
Until Next Time!
To Our Success!

Pauline Allen

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