I tried to keep wiki for that, but couldn't have caught up.

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 6:01 AM, Ciprian Dorin Craciun <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 6:44 PM, John Cowan <xxxxxx@ccil.org> wrote:
> Yes, they are in the git repos under
> github.com/scheme-requests-for-implementation.  However, working from the
> source is problematic because you will get purely internal names as well.

Unfortunately by looking at the first 4 or 5 repositories on GitHub
(the latest updated ones), there doesn't seem to be a common pattern
for conveying the reference implementation.  For example:

* SRFI 153 has only HTML files;
* SRFI 150 has an `./srfi` folder with various sources, some which
seem to include other SRFI's (perhaps dependencies);
* SRFI 48 seems to have only tests;

That is why I wondered about an "official" place where all the
reference implementation sources were available.

Parsing the HTML specifications I think would yield too many
false-positives (i.e. symbols which are in fact not defined by that

Another approach (if the SRFI community and authors would be
interested in) would be to create an online form where one would fill
some minimal information about the various definitions proposed by
each SRFI, like for example:
* the identifier and type of a definition;  (with a special case if
the definition is in fact an alias of another definition;)
* a link (perhaps with an href tag) to the documentation (which most
likely would be the link to the SRFI paragraph defining it);
* am I missing something?

Would the SRFI community and authors be willing to fill in such a
"database"?  (I'm not asking about implementing the forms, just about
the willingness to fill them.)

Better yet, instead of a "form-based system" we could create a Git
repository (on GitHub), and specify an s-expression format that would
"collect" all the data.  Thus by using pull requests we can start
filling this in.  (Afterwards I could cobble something to generate the
HTML and other useful export formats based on that data.)
