On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 1:54 PM Ciprian Dorin Craciun <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
Now, a few months later, I submit for your consideration (and
feedback) the following S-expression-based file that describes the
entire R7RS standard:
* https://data.volution.ro/ciprian/c7be0c0ba57fbe06fc342c1fdd27adc1/documentation/libraries.ss

​This is very nice!  Thank you.

I've only had a little time to look it over so far, but I'm impressed.  It's comprehensive and easy on the eyes.  Of course, I would love to see results like this for SRFI, too.

I have a few suggestions, mostly to do with HTML rendering:
  • It takes a long time to load.  It would be nice to break the site into smaller pages or otherwise optimize load and display time.  Perhaps hosting with a CDN or on a site like Github or Gitlab would help, too.  But I suspect that hosting is not the problem since ping times to your domain are fine.  According to Google Pagespeed Insights, compressing the libraries.html page with Gzip would yield a 91% reduction in page size.
  • It would be nice to have responsive CSS so that it displayed well on mobile devices.  Right now, the fonts in particular are too small.  At first, it doesn't seem like mobile use of information like this would be important, but I find myself looking things up with my mobile phone in spare moments all the time.
  • Providing output in other formats, perhaps through Pandoc, would be great.  For example, I would love to have this in Emacs Info format for quick, searchable, offline reference.
  • I've never used it, but Language Server Protocol (Wikipedia, Langserver.org) appears promising.  I wonder whether your file format has the information necessary to support such a server for Scheme.
Thanks again for embarking on this project.  This is great.