More SRFI library names (R6RS)
Lassi Kortela 19 May 2020 11:51 UTC
As mentioned on srfi-discuss a few days back, the current batch of
library-name values in srfi-data.scm is from SRFI 97 and chez-srfi.
Sagittarius Scheme's library naming was just altered to match them:
Sagittarius has some extra library names for SRFIs that don't yet have
an official name in srfi-data.scm:
(srfi :100 define-lambda-object)
(srfi :101 random-access-lists)
(srfi :106 socket)
(srfi :111 boxes)
(srfi :112 inquery)
(srfi :113 sets)
(srfi :114 comparators)
(srfi :116 ilists)
(srfi :120 timer)
(srfi :121 generators)
(srfi :123 generic-ref)
(srfi :124 ephemerons)
(srfi :134 ideque)
(srfi :135 texts)
(srfi :139 syntax-parameters)
(srfi :142 bitwise)
(srfi :144 flonums)
(srfi :146 hash)
(srfi :146 mapping)
(srfi :147 custom-macro-transformers)
Should we make them official?