Vocabulary for finding libraries
Lassi Kortela 26 Oct 2022 18:17 UTC
To illustrate what I've been talking about, here's a brief sketch of
what a domain-specific language to find libraries could look like.
This is heavily influenced by the Unix filesystem (i.e. a uniform tree
where you can mount subtrees in arbitrary places) as well as the kind of
combinator DSLs that are standard in functional programming.
(at srfi
(union (directory "/usr/lib/gambit/srfi")
(at my-favorites
(union (at lists (alias (srfi 1)))
(at strings (alias (srfi 13)))))
(at gambit
(union (directory "/usr/lib/gambit/gambit")
(git-repos "github.com/gambit/$")))
(using-convention ".sld" (directory ".")))
Where (library-path <node>) sets the search path, and <node> is one of:
(library "/path/to/file")
This node points to the library in this file.
(directory "/path/to/directory")
Splice all names from this directory here.
(archive "/path/to/archive.tar")
Splice all names from this archive here.
(git-repos "example.com/path/to/repo-name-$")
Names here are substituted as $ in the URL template to get a URL
where we can find a git repo. Second-level and deeper names are
files in the repo.
(at <library-name-part> <node>)
Make a virtual subdirectory here named <library-name-part>
containing all names from <node>.
(union <node> ...)
Splice all names from the given nodes here. If the same name
exists in more than one node, the first node wins. In other words,
the <node>s are listed in decreasing order of precedence.
(alias <library-name>)
Like a Unix symbolic link, points to an absolute library name.
(using-convention <convention> <node>)
Use <node>, but always use a particular <convention> to find
library files in it. There should be an implementation-defined
default convention otherwise.