SRFI 246 needs a new shepherd Arthur A. Gleckler (07 Sep 2024 01:47 UTC)
Re: SRFI 246 needs a new shepherd Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (07 Sep 2024 05:55 UTC)
Re: SRFI 246 needs a new shepherd Daphne Preston-Kendal (07 Sep 2024 06:03 UTC)
Re: SRFI 246 needs a new shepherd Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (07 Sep 2024 07:53 UTC)
Re: SRFI 246 needs a new shepherd Arthur A. Gleckler (07 Sep 2024 16:11 UTC)

Re: SRFI 246 needs a new shepherd Daphne Preston-Kendal 07 Sep 2024 06:03 UTC

On 7 Sep 2024, at 03:47, Arthur A. Gleckler <> wrote:

> Would someone be willing to take over as author/shepherd of SRFI 246: Guardians?  I haven't been able to reach John Cowan, the author, since May, and then only briefly.  This SRFI and a few others I will name later seem to have been abandoned, but they are excellent.  It would be great if someone would be willing to take up the project.
> Thanks for volunteering!

[WG2 chair hat on]

I echo Arthur’s call for a new shepherd for SRFI 246.

I am very concerned about John Cowan, whom nobody has been able to reach (privately or professionally) for months. I am trying to reach him or his family to at least wish him well, no matter what has caused his unexplained absence.

In any case, as long as John is unavailable – for whatever reason – it seems the most expedient solution to find someone else to take over SRFI 246. For R7RS Large we need to get this one in particular finalized soon, ideally.

If it is a motivation for anyone, SRFI 246 is currently the only serious proposal on the table for a finalization protocol to be included in R7RS Large. While it’s still possible the final decision will come down in favour of not supporting any finalization mechanism at all other than ephemerons (this will be voted on), if you do volunteer it’s highly likely that your work will end up in the spec.
