SRFI metadata Erkin Batu Altunbas (19 Apr 2020 16:58 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Arthur A. Gleckler (19 Apr 2020 17:06 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Erkin Batu Altunbas (19 Apr 2020 17:14 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Lassi Kortela (19 Apr 2020 17:19 UTC)
Auto-parsing SRFI lists from Scheme implementations' tar files Lassi Kortela (19 Apr 2020 18:29 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Erkin Batu Altunbas (19 Apr 2020 18:51 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Lassi Kortela (19 Apr 2020 18:59 UTC)
SRFI lists from Frank in 2019 Lassi Kortela (19 Apr 2020 19:13 UTC)
Re: SRFI lists from Frank in 2019 Lassi Kortela (19 Apr 2020 19:18 UTC)

Auto-parsing SRFI lists from Scheme implementations' tar files Lassi Kortela 19 Apr 2020 18:29 UTC

> It may be possible to write some simple Scheme-implementation-specific
> rules (filename/grep patterns) to produce a of SRFIs supported by that
> implementation, given a tarfile of the implementation's source release.
> I've generally found that automating data extraction is not much more
> work than doing things by hand, and is much less error-prone. It also
> leaves instructions that others can study and run for how you managed to
> find the info.

As a quick example:

curl --fail --silent --show-error | gunzip | tar
-tf - | grep -i 'chibi-scheme-[0-9.]*/lib/srfi/[0-9]*.sld' | sed -e
'xxxxxx@.*/@@' -e xxxxxx@xxxxxx@@ | sort -g