Re: Please recommend a Scheme to transpile to browser-side JavaScript Lassi Kortela (08 Jul 2019 21:52 UTC)

Re: Please recommend a Scheme to transpile to browser-side JavaScript Lassi Kortela 08 Jul 2019 21:52 UTC

> I'll add to the list Chibi, which accepts emscripten as a build target

Thanks for the addition. I don't know whether wasm is a good target for
garden-variety JS apps (I don't really understand the implications).
Usually those are just fed to Google Closure Compiler to get optimized
and minified JavaScript.

Just noticed that Amirouche already wrote a great summary of front-end
options in our wiki: <>.
Somehow I had missed that.

 From that wiki page, forward.scm and cons both look like options worth
investigating. forward.scm is inspired by the Elm Architecture. I've
used Elm quite a bit and had an extremely positive experience with it.
Due to the lack of Lisp macros and Haskell type classes I hear it can
get boilerplatey for big apps, but for small ones it offers a lot.
Model-View-Update rules.