SRFI 124: Ephemerons Arthur A. Gleckler (07 Sep 2015 05:05 UTC)
Re: SRFI 124: Ephemerons Taylor R Campbell (07 Sep 2015 15:15 UTC)
Re: SRFI 124: Ephemerons Taylor R Campbell (07 Sep 2015 15:52 UTC)
Re: SRFI 124: Ephemerons John Cowan (07 Sep 2015 18:25 UTC)
reference implementation [was Re: SRFI 124: Ephemerons] Taylor R Campbell (07 Sep 2015 22:14 UTC)
Re: reference implementation [was Re: SRFI 124: Ephemerons] Arthur A. Gleckler (08 Sep 2015 21:10 UTC)

Re: SRFI 124: Ephemerons John Cowan 07 Sep 2015 18:25 UTC

Taylor R Campbell scripsit:

> I suggest providing another procedure REFERENCE-BARRIER that
> guarantees whatever object you pass to it will not have been GC'd
> before the call to REFERENCE-BARRIER.

How is that different from stashing the object in a variable?

> The example implementation in Racket is incorrect.

Thanks, of course you're right.  I'm not really used to ephemerons yet.

> Some of the text was lifted verbatim from the MIT Scheme reference
> manual, including most of the paragraph starting `This procedure must
> be used with care...'.  This should be acknowledged.  (It's also not
> clear which procedure `this procedure' refers to.)

I'll improve the reference as you noted in your second email.

> I encourage providing some automatic tests.  Here's a place you might
> start:

Good idea.

> I would be happy to provide them under an appropriate licence for
> inclusion in the SRFI if you like.

Please do.

> Bruno Haible, `Weak References: Data Types and Implementation', 2005-04-24.

Will do.

John Cowan
You know, you haven't stopped talking since I came here. You must
have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle.
        --Rufus T. Firefly