Re: lseq-find-rest or lseq-find-tail?
John Cowan 19 Jan 2016 13:19 UTC
Takashi Kato scripsit:
> I'm implementing SRFi-127 and found out there's naming mismatch. On
> 'Procedure Index' there's the list-find-rest procedure however in
> 'Searching' section it says 'list-find-tail'. I believe the latter one is
> the correct one since the sample implementation also uses 'list-find-tail'
List-find-tail is definitely right. Arthur, can you make a silent correction?
(We really need a "48 hours" procedure like for RFCs.)
John Cowan
Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never see a more wretched hive of scum
and villainy --unless you watch the Jerry Springer Show.