Fwd: Re: SRFI 128: ninety days Arthur A. Gleckler 29 Jan 2016 19:15 UTC

Oops.  I made two mistakes.  First, I mentioned SRFI 128,
not 129, in the subject line.  I meant 129.  Second, SRFI
129 just reached the end of its initial sixty-day discussion
period, not ninety days.

Please carry on with the discussion and ignore my earlier

Sorry.  That's what I get for copying and pasting.

P.S.: Thanks to Mr. Kato for reporting this mistake to me.

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Arthur A. Gleckler <xxxxxx@speechcode.com>

> This is just a reminder that SRFI 129 reaches the end of its
> extended ninety-day discussion period today.  (It was first
> published on 30Oct 2015.)  The discussion can go on, but in
> theory, the longest extension is supposed to be to ninety
> days.  It looks like discussion has picked up recently,
> which is great.
> Thanks.
> — SRFI editor