Last call for comments on SRFI 129: Titlecase procedures Arthur A. Gleckler (29 Feb 2016 04:05 UTC)
Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 129: Titlecase procedures Arthur A. Gleckler (07 Mar 2016 22:17 UTC)

Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 129: Titlecase procedures Arthur A. Gleckler 07 Mar 2016 22:17 UTC

Arthur A. Gleckler <> writes:

| John Cowan, author of SRFI 129, Titlecase procedures, has
| asked me to announce "last call" for this SRFI.  He
| believes that SRFI 129 is ready for finalization, but
| would like to give reviewers one last chance to submit
| corrections and feedback before we finalize it.

Hello, John.  Shall I finalize SRFI 129 now?
