Round 2 discussion shivers@xxxxxx (04 Nov 1999 13:55 UTC)
Re: Round 2 discussion
Per Bothner
(04 Nov 1999 22:31 UTC)
Here is a general discussion of the issues raised by Kleberg, Bornstein, Egorov, Hartrumpf, Welsh & Arvestad. I will summarise the major issues in a following message. After you read this discussion, please read the issues message, and send me your comments and votes! Feel free to flame about things I didn't move over to the "issues" message if you still want to push them. From: Bengt Kleberg <> 1 Would it be possible to allow all procedures that have a _single_ [start end] pair to accept both, ie [start [end]]? Like substring does (only that substring must have a start, ofcourse). What you want is what they are. 2 Must string-index-right (and string-skip-right) take their [end start] pair in that order? I assume that this is influenced by the list library, but if not, please consider using [start end] instead. The issue here is that you *almost never* specify the left bound; you *frequently* specify the right bound. You actually *start* with END in the -right procedures. That is why they are flipped -- you can say (let ((i (string-skip-right s char-set:white i))) ...) In other words, with both the from-left and from-right variants, the first optional argument says where to begin the search, and the second optional argument says where to end the search. Note that if you get it wrong, you will definitely trigger a run-time error, since you aren't allowed to have a start parameter that's larger than the end parameter. From: Dan Bornstein <> The new caveat on substring, that it be allowed to share storage, seems strange to me, since it could noticeably and adversely affect pre-existing programs that rely on the old behavior. Plus, the SRFI specifies "/shared" variants of other calls to explicitly call out the possibility of sharing. So, why not leave substring alone, and add a substring/shared which is allowed (but not required) to share storage with its argument? To support pure functional programming, it seems to me that there ought to be two new procedures: (string-set string i char) -> string (string-fill s char [start end]) -> string which would be like their "!" brethren, except they return new strings instead of altering their arguments. C'mon. Do you really think that people would use STRING-SET ? STRING-FILL is an easier case to make. Let's see, that would be (define (string-fill s c . maybe-start+end) (let ((ans (string-copy s))) (apply string-fill! ans c maybe-start+end) ans)) Should I add this? I cannot think of any cases where it would be all that handy. I fear the new string-copy! for one main reason: In all other cases in Scheme, the only difference between a "!" and unmarked procedure with the same name has been the fact that the "!" version modifies (or is at least allowed to modify) its first argument and the unmarked version returns a new object. In this case, the argument specs are different, and I suspect this will be a source of confusion. I suggest fixing this by [1] renaming the current string-copy! Off-the-cuff suggestion, string-copy-chars! and [2] adding a non "!" version of the same procedure (e.g., string-copy-chars), to provide the symmetry that there is in the rest of the spec. Yeah, you're right. However, your non-side-effecting STRING-COPY is subsumed by the STRING-REPLACE Welsh proposes below. I think I'll leave things as-is. From: Donald Welsh <> string-take string-drop string-take-right string-drop-right substring-move-left substring-move-right These (if needed) can all be defined as special cases of a more general function, string-replace. string-replace s1 start end s2 -> string replace the substring of s1 from start to end with s2 A variant, string-replace! could also be defined, which is allowed to reuse the original storage of s1. With a regexp package, regexp matching could used to find start and end points, then string-replace could perform the replacement. For regexp replacement, you want something a little more sophisticated. See REGEXP-SUBSTITUTE & REGEXP-SUBSTITUTE/GLOBAL in scsh. Further, you can do string-take/drop/move with STRING-REPLACE... but it's awkward. I prefer to name these operations. Nonetheless, STRING-REPLACE seems like a handy thing. I'll add it, spec'd as follows, unless I get a lot of complaints: string-replace s1 start1 end1 s2 [start2 end2] -> string Returns (string-append (substring s1 0 start1) (substring s2 start2 end2) (substring s1 end1 (string-length s1))) That is, the segment of characters in S1 from START1 to END1 is replaced by the segment of characters in S2 from START2 to END2. If START1=END1, this simply splices the S2 characters into S1 at the specified index. Examples: (string-replace "The TCL programmer endured daily ridicule." 4 7 "miserable perl") => "The miserable perl programmer endured daily ridicule." (string-replace "It's easy to code it up in Scheme." 5 5 "really ") => "It's really easy to code it up in Scheme." ------------ reverse-string-concatenate string-list [end] -> string reverse-string-concatenate/shared string-list [end] -> string Why are these included? Without the optional parameter, the stated equivalents are clearer. With END these functions are odd -- why are they needed? They are included to eliminate the unnecessary consing of the reversed list. They are also included because *these particular* operations are *exactly* the utility needed by a wide variety of functions that accumulate character data into a string result, where one does not know in advance how much character data will be accumulated. So one accumulates the data into a linked list of, say, 1k buffers, the assembles the buffers into a final result at the end. The last buffer (which is first on the reversed list) may only be partially full -- hence the optional final argument. string-filter s char/char-set/pred [start end] -> string string-delete s char/char-set/pred [start end] -> string The char/char-set/pred isn't intuitive. Predicates and char-sets are *the* two basic ways to describe a set of characters, so we handle them both. Handling the case of a single char is just a common-case convenience hack; not fundamental or really all that important. Note that there's an efficiency reason to favor char-set's over predicates. The STRING-FILTER procedure knows that doing a char-set membership test causes no side effects. So it can do it more than once. This means that it can use a two-pass strategy: once scan to count up the number of surviving characters, allocate a string of exactly the right size, then a second scan to copy the chars into the result string. In contrast, the predicate scan loop only applies the predicate once to each character, so it has to use an adaptive strategy for allocating the result, which means it runs slower and produces garbage (this is the kind of code where one can profitably use REVERSE-STRING-CONCATENATE/SHARED, by the way). If char-sets are needed, perhaps there should be a set package SRFI (is there one already?), or the functionality could be provided by a regexp package. I have submitted a char-set SRFI, but it has not yet been announced for discussion. (This just in: it has just been announced. See It's a much smaller SRFI, but was designed in concert with SRFI-13.) Suggest dropping string-delete and using an alternative version of string-filter which uses a string -> string function f instead of char/char-set/pred. (String deletion can be done by f returning "".) The function f should go first, as with map and string-map. string-filter f s [start end] -> string construct a string by applying f to each character of s function f should take a string of length one as input, and output a string (of any length) This is a cute function. Consider that you could use it for backslash encoding strings, for example -- just say (string-filter (lambda (c) (if (char=? c #\\) (string #\\ c) (string c))) s) But it's really inefficient; generates lots of garbage. You can backslash-encode more efficiently by saying (let ((ans-len (string-fold (lambda (c sum) (+ sum (if (char=? c #\\) 2 1))) 0 s)) (ans (make-string ans-len))) (string-fold (lambda (c i) (let ((i (if (char=? c #\\) (begin (string-set! ans i #\\) (+ i 1)) i))) (string-set! ans i c) (+ i 1))) 0 s) ans) which generates no intermediate garbage strings. Can anyone come up with some compelling examples of good uses for Donald's STRING-FILTER ? And I'd need another name for it -- STRING-FILTER and STRING-DELETE are fixed, in order to maintain parallelism with their list-lib analogues. From: "Sergei Egorov" <> First, I only partially agree with the rationale. Yes, RNRS's set of string operations is poor, but there's nothing wrong with naming conventions (the choice between string= and string=? is mainly a matter of taste; the former is compatible with = (=? variants existed in R2RS to make everybody happy), but the latter is compatible with char=? and other predicates, and it is both familiar and standard). Exactly -- why not, then, be consistent, and rename the numeric functions <? <=? =? >=? >? Urgh. Looks really ugly to me. It's redundant and ugly and wastes horizontal margin, which matters when you try to code in an 80-column buffer. But the worst of these offenses is that it's ugly. I am consistently using the inequality symbols alone, without an additional ? suffix, in the libraries I've been proposing -- so I'm being consistent with the numeric preds, not the others. Shared substrings are practically unknown to the Scheme community and, even if they are implemented somewhere, I see no reason to make incompatible changes to the semantics of SUBSTRING (adding SUBSTRING/SHARED is definitely a better idea, but why put normal and /SHARED versions in one SRFI?). Shared substrings are in guile, I believe. T had them. I'm trying to do this library so that it will efficiently support programming both in implementations that do and do not have them. It's worth putting in a little work to support them, because they're a useful feature. By the way, I should state my goal here: I'm *not* trying to do a complete shared-text string system; I'm simply trying to do a general string library that can be efficiently used in both kinds of systems. Note that even if your Scheme system *doesn't* provide shared-text substrings, you can *still* profitably use the /shared procedure variants (and I have, in my code -- this SRFI has some of its roots in the utilities I've written for systems code I've built for scsh). The /shared variants can exploit special cases, such as having a substring op return the original string when the substring start/end indices specify the entire string. Here's the thing about R5RS SUBSTRING: once we generalise STRING-COPY to take start/end parameters, it trivially subsumes R5RS SUBSTRING. We should just throw it away. You might suggest dropping STRING-COPY (which Dan doesn't like for reasons of non-parallelism w/STRING-COPY!, anyway), and simply retaining the R5RS copying SUBSTRING, extending it to make the start/end parameters optional. I did consider this. But it seems kinda misleading to tell people: to copy a string, write (substring s) How's that again? That looks very weird; not clear at all -- more of an oddball, corner-case "idiom" than a straightforward useage. Whereas, these are all quite clear as to what they do: (STRING-COPY s) ; Copy the string. Right. Got it. (STRING-COPY s 3) ; Copy the string, starting at index 3. Right. (STRING-COPY s 0 end) ; Copy the string from 0 to END. No problem. So, once again, I've worked my way around to trivially subsuming R5RS SUBSTRING into STRING-COPY, just by virtue of the *general* library rule that all procedures take optional start/end parameters where possible and sensible. R5RS provides *both* STRING-COPY and SUBSTRING -- not too clever, given how trivial it is to subsume one into the other. But we can exploit this by assigning these two functions an honest-to-God *useful* distinction. So that is what I did. So, we should punt R5RS's SUBSTRING *for sure*. That leaves two avenues open: - The not-entirely-backwards-compatible one: We use the name SUBSTRING for the shared-text variant. This seems like a good use of the name. It does have small backwards-compatibility issues if you are (1) using a Scheme with shared-text strings and (2) wrote code that relied on SUBSTRING returning fresh storage. I think this is not a big discontinuity; others may think I'm a danger to society. - The conservative one: Just to *make sure* people don't accidentally use a shared-text substring op in old code where they wanted the fresh-storage substring, we simply *drop* SUBSTRING entirely, and use SUBSTRING/SHARED in this SRFI. I think you guys are a bunch of wimps. But I'm interested in your opinions. I believe I know where Egorov & Bornstein stand, yes? Y'all would probably vote for the conservative path? Would everyone please check in on this issue? A last call for not being ruled by backwards compatibility: The code that's *been written* is fixed in size. The code that *will be written* is unbounded. Always take an opportunity to set things right. Too much adherence to backwards compatibility (Zetalisp, in particular) is one of primary reasons for most of Common Lisp's current uglinesses -- yet Zetalisp has vanished into the mists. OK, that's my flame. I also oppose "dropping" of standard Scheme procedures. Does this mean that to claim support for SRFI-13 (or SRFI-1) my implementation should make them unavailable? If not, then why mention it at all? I believe the whole idea belongs to a separate "Scheme Request For Non-implementation" process (SRFN-0: drop TRANSCRIPT-ON and TRANSCRIPT-OFF). They aren't dropped from Scheme. They just aren't in this SRFI. This SRFI is a specific set of bindings; if you write code that uses this SRFI, you use what it provides; no problem. If you want stuff that isn't in this SRFI, then import that stuff, too. No problem. I believe that <> convention for "not equal" is not the best choice: it doesn't look right when applied to domains with no natural order (i.e. MY-RECORD<>). Other possible choices are ~=, /=, ^=, and != (all of them are subpar, but if forced to make a choice, I would pick ~=). I see your point... but I'm going to stick with <>. None of the other choices seem all that much better to me (and I don't have any better suggestions, myself). ;;; Mismatch index in string-comparison procedures: Why do we need this mismatch index in each and every comparison procedure? The fact that it can be returned doesn't necessarily mean that it should; if somebody's procedure ends in (string= s1 s2) and I have to rewrite it, say, using lists instead of strings, I don't want to scan all the code looking for call sites to check if the return value is just used as a boolean (imitating mismatch index in my new code may be problematic). I will have all this imaginary trouble because INTENTIONS of the original author were not clear. This, however, didn't stop the designers of MEM*, ASS* and dozens of other functions, but in many cases I can see some advantages in returning non-#t value. But, judging from my modest experience, I beleive that in regular lexicographical string comparison the mismatch index is NEVER needed. It is definitely less useful in practice than n-ary string comparison predicates; and the unfortunate fact is that STRING{>...} returning a mismatch index cannot be generalized to n-ary case! It turns out to be a handy value to have around if you are comparing strings. The string compare functions produce it, so we can essentially export it to clients for free. "Don't hide functionality." (By the way, you *can* generalise mismatch indices to n-ary comparisons, but it seems to be less useful.) SUBSTRING-COMPARE{-CI}: is mismatch index (!?) relative or absolute? You get an index into the string itself (absolute); it's relative to the beginning of the string, not the beginning of the selected substring segment. I've added a little text to the SRFI to make this clear. STRING-ITER: why not STRING-ITERATE? Why not, indeed? I'm flexible (I'm ever so slightly in favor of -ITER, because I'm a brevity freak, but can definitely see the merits of -ITERATE). How do people feel about this one? {SUB}STRING-{PRE,SUF}FIX-COUNT{-CI}: why not -LENGTH- instead of -COUNT-? In both CommonLisp and SRFI-1, COUNT is associated with selective counting, not measuring the length of contiguous subsequences. No strong reason; I believe these names came over from MIT Scheme. We could change. May I have other opinions on this matter? SUBSTRING{-CI}? : why do these names end in question mark? They behave more like SUBSTRING-INDEX{-CI} and other MEMQ-like procedures. 1. You typically use them as boolean predicates. 2. The name SUBSTRING is already being used. ;;; proposed additions (actually these were defined in R^2RS): (substring-move-left! string1 start1 end1 string2 start2) (substring-move-right! string1 start1 end1 string2 start2) Got you covered; it's already there. See STRING-COPY!. Here's the code; you can see that no right/left variants are needed -- it does the right thing in all cases. (define (string-copy! to tstart from . maybe-fstart+fend) (string-let-start+end (fstart fend) string-copy! from maybe-fstart+fend (let ((tend (+ tstart (- fend fstart)))) (check-substring-spec string-copy! to tstart tend) (if (> fstart tstart) (do ((i fstart (+ i 1)) (j tstart (+ j 1))) ((>= i fend)) (string-set! to j (string-ref from i))) (do ((i (- fend 1) (- i 1)) (j (- tend 1) (- j 1))) ((< i fstart)) (string-set! to j (string-ref from i))))))) From: Lars Arvestad <> I noticed the procedure pair string-for-each and string-iter [*]. My suggestion is that string-iter is dropped and that string-for-each is made do iterate from START to END. This is consistent with the list version of for-each, which is guaranteed to apply PROC in order. If a procedure can be applied in any order, it can't be a restriction to apply it in order, thus an unordered version of string-for-each is unnecessary. Are there efficiency/implementation advantages to have an unordered version? In that case, another name than string-for-each seems appropriate. STRING-FOR-EACH is allowed to go right-to-left. Going right-to-left means the index end-test is for zero, not the length of the list. Testing against zero is faster and doesn't require you to hold the string-length in a register across the iteration. Call me an efficiency freak. (And, yes, I know: induction variable elimination nukes the zeroness of the r-to-l scan. But no one does it in Scheme, so it doesn't really buy much these days...) As for STRING-REDUCE & STRING-REDUCE-RIGHT: I defined them, but the definitions made it clear that the functions were essentially useless. So I have dropped them. Others may redefine & repropose them, if they wish. Note that for reducing (in the sense of SRFI-1 list-lib) over strings, the function F must be a char x char -> char function, and the right identity value must be a character. I cannot come up with a single thing one would ever want to do with such a function. I have made two changes to the library: - I've added a small efficiency hack to the definition of REVERSE-STRING-CONCATENATE - I've added two support procedures for general Knuth-Morris-Pratt string search. These procedures make it easy to do KMP search through arbitrary character sources such as input ports. PS: Olin: Thanks once again for what looks like an excellent draft. You bet! Thanks for the excellent feedback, y'all; I appreciate it. -Olin