Re: New draft (#8) of SRFI 130: Cursor-based string library
John Cowan 23 May 2016 21:17 UTC
Arthur A. Gleckler scripsit:
> In fact, the two files named srfi-130.sld are known to be
> incorrect; for details, run a diff between them and the
> files named 130.sld. The srfi-130.sld files are superseded
> by the 130.sld files, and it might have been better to
> delete them. I suspect they were written for aspiring R7RS
> systems that can't yet handle the (srfi 130) naming
> convention, but that's just a guess and there might be a
> better reason for their presence so I was afraid to delete
> them.
No, they're just bad copies of the srfi-130.scm files (which are
for Chicken). They can be flushed.
John Cowan
O beautiful for patriot's dream that sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law!
--one of the verses not usually taught in U.S. schools