there is no correct way to use list-sort! or list-stable-sort! William D Clinger (09 Mar 2016 12:31 UTC)
more corrections for SRFI 132
William D Clinger
(10 Mar 2016 17:06 UTC)
Re: more corrections for SRFI 132
William D Clinger
(10 Mar 2016 19:37 UTC)
Re: more corrections for SRFI 132
William D Clinger
(10 Mar 2016 20:32 UTC)
benchmarking the SRFI 132 reference implementation
William D Clinger
(10 Mar 2016 23:20 UTC)
Re: more corrections for SRFI 132
William D Clinger
(12 Mar 2016 03:07 UTC)
Re: more corrections for SRFI 132
Alex Shinn
(12 Mar 2016 23:26 UTC)
Re: more corrections for SRFI 132
John Cowan
(13 Mar 2016 22:02 UTC)
Re: there is no correct way to use list-sort! or list-stable-sort!
Kevin Wortman
(11 Mar 2016 19:44 UTC)
Re: there is no correct way to use list-sort! or list-stable-sort!
John Cowan
(13 Mar 2016 06:15 UTC)
Re: there is no correct way to use list-sort! or list-stable-sort!
Alex Shinn
(12 Mar 2016 23:36 UTC)
Re: there is no correct way to use list-sort! or list-stable-sort!
John Cowan
(13 Mar 2016 05:47 UTC)
SRFI 132 should not be allowed to go into final status until the problem noted below is fixed. All programs that call the list-sort! or list-stable-sort! procedures are incorrect because there is no correct way to call either of those procedures. If you call one of those procedures for effect, ignoring its result, then your call may act as a no-op because those procedures "are allowed, but not required, to alter the cons cells of their arguments to produce their results." If you call one of those procedures for its result, then your call is incorrect because "They return an unspecified value." Olin's SRFI 32 did not have that problem, because Olin required the "linear update" procedures to return the sorted result regardless of whether they had performed any side effects. So long as I'm commenting on SRFI 132, let me state my opinion that its emphasis upon destructive operations is antiquated. With generational garbage collectors, it's entirely possible that each of the destructive operations allocates a transaction record needed to preserve invariants that allow garbage to be collected without scanning the entire heap. (Some generational collectors pre-allocate the storage needed for that meta-data, while some allocate it on the fly.) The SRFI's claim that destructive versions will run in constant space is therefore an empty promise. In my opinion, implementations that use sophisticated garbage collectors should be allowed to implement the procedures described by a SRFI in whatever ways would be most efficient within those systems. Will