Re: more corrections for SRFI 132
William D Clinger 10 Mar 2016 20:32 UTC
In my previous message, I mentioned bugs in the vector-stable-sort
and vector-stable-sort! procedures as implemented by the reference
implementation. Those bugs (including a couple in my test program)
are fixed by the following changeset:
The missing procedures vector-find-median, vector-find-median!, and
vector-select! are currently defined in
By the way, the median element of a vector can be found in linear
time, which is faster than the Ω(n lg n) worst-case performance
mandated by the specification of vector-find-median! and strongly
suggested by the specification of vector-find-median. I assume a
linear-time implementation of vector-find-median would not be
ruled out by SRFI 132, so it might be a good idea to tell users
of SRFI 132 that vector-find-median is likely to be faster than
vector-find-median! for long vectors.