draft of "Enhanced multi-dimensional Arrays" Per Bothner (02 Nov 2018 20:35 UTC)
Re: draft of "Enhanced multi-dimensional Arrays" John Cowan (02 Nov 2018 20:59 UTC)
Re: draft of "Enhanced multi-dimensional Arrays" Per Bothner (02 Nov 2018 22:13 UTC)
Re: draft of "Enhanced multi-dimensional Arrays" Arthur A. Gleckler (03 Nov 2018 00:19 UTC)
Re: draft of "Enhanced multi-dimensional Arrays" Per Bothner (03 Nov 2018 00:24 UTC)
Re: draft of "Enhanced multi-dimensional Arrays" Arthur A. Gleckler (03 Nov 2018 01:17 UTC)

draft of "Enhanced multi-dimensional Arrays" Per Bothner 02 Nov 2018 20:34 UTC

I've polished and updated my proposal:

Arthur, I think this is ready for your magic.
	--Per Bothner
xxxxxx@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/