Display, graphic, or printable characters?
Lassi Kortela
(11 Nov 2019 13:34 UTC)
Re: Display, graphic, or printable characters?
John Cowan
(11 Nov 2019 21:57 UTC)
Re: Display, graphic, or printable characters?
Lassi Kortela
(11 Nov 2019 22:07 UTC)
Re: Display, graphic, or printable characters?
Lassi Kortela
(12 Nov 2019 11:53 UTC)
Re: Display, graphic, or printable characters?
John Cowan
(12 Nov 2019 17:13 UTC)
Re: Display, graphic, or printable characters? Lassi Kortela (18 Nov 2019 19:46 UTC)
Re: Display, graphic, or printable characters?
Lassi Kortela
(22 Nov 2019 12:56 UTC)
Re: Display, graphic, or printable characters?
Lassi Kortela
(22 Nov 2019 13:18 UTC)
Re: Display, graphic, or printable characters?
Lassi Kortela
(22 Nov 2019 13:20 UTC)
Re: Display, graphic, or printable characters?
Lassi Kortela
(11 Nov 2019 23:34 UTC)
> SRFI 14, which is already part of R7RS-large, already provides the > charset constants charset:graphic and charset:printable in the same > senses, so I wouldn't want to contradict those. There are problems with > SRFI 14 which may require its replacement — I hope not — but I don't > foresee this changing, as it is aligned with ISO C, ISO C++, and Posix. For even more fun, Python's `string.printable` considers *all* ASCII whitespace to be printable: "This includes the characters space, tab, linefeed, return, formfeed, and vertical tab." > Common Lisp also uses the term "graphic character" in the way that you > and BSD use "printable character": > > And unfortunately so does Unicode. @#$*. Neither standard uses the > term "printable character", so they basically don't make the distinction > at all. The ASCII standard (http://sliderule.mraiow.com/w/images/7/73/ASCII.pdf) also says of space: "This character is interpreted both as a graphic char- acter and as a control character." The term printable and printing (character) do not appear in the document at all. This would favor the term "graphic character". Also I had no idea anybody interprets space as a control character. BSD iscntrl() does not. Great. I guess this is the popular interpretation. > I still think Posix/C/C++ wins. Hmm. Maybe that and SRFI 14 would set the strongest precedent for "printing". All of the standards documents would favor "graphic" which is also a better word in lay terms but it would be a gratuitous difference from SRFI 14.