I think some version of this would be a great idea. It would certainly
make intervals a more useful data structure in their own right.
With several people working on independent implementations of SRFI 179
and making suggestions, I plan to start a new SRFI process to finally
put this to bed. I've been working in
and sending emails to this list to keep a record.
I came up with some names for the new SRFI that are kind of silly, but
in all seriousness I don't know what to call the new SRFI. Some of the
silly names
Nonempty Intervals and Generalized Arrays (Revised^2)
Nonempty Intervals and Generalized Arrays (Redux)
Nonempty Intervals and Generalized Arrays (The Director's Cut)
Suggestions are very welcome.
On 12/8/21 3:58 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have begun implementing srfi 179 for Racket.
> In Racket I prefer `for`-loops over loops using named lets.
> The Racket `for`-loops are based on srfi-42, which I was quite fond of
> back in my Scheme days.
> Is srfi-42 still in use?
> If so, iterators for intervals and comprehensions for arrays would be a
> nice addition.
> So far I have defined `in-interval` which iterates through the indices
> of an interval.
> Down the row I plan to add `in-row`, `in-column` and `in-array`.
> As an example the definition of `array-for-each`:
> (define (interval-for-each f interval)
> (unless (interval? interval)
> (raise-argument-error 'interval-for-each
> "expected an interval as the second argument"
> "interval" interval))
> (unless (procedure? f)
> (raise-argument-error 'interval-for-each
> "expected a procedure as the first argument"
> "procedure" f))
> (define d (interval-dimension interval))
> (case d
> [(1) (for* ([(i) (in-interval interval)]) (f i))]
> [(2) (for* ([(i j) (in-interval interval)]) (f i j))]
> [(3) (for* ([(i j k) (in-interval interval)]) (f i j k))]
> [(4) (for* ([(i j k l) (in-interval interval)]) (f i j k l))]
> [else
> (for ([is (in-interval/internal-vector interval)])
> (apply f (vector->list is)))]))
> --
> Jens Axel Søgaard