Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 188: Splicing binding constructs for syntactic keywords Lassi Kortela (27 May 2020 12:36 UTC)

Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 188: Splicing binding constructs for syntactic keywords Lassi Kortela 27 May 2020 12:36 UTC

> Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen, author of SRFI 188: Splicing binding constructs for
> syntactic keywords, has asked me to announce "last call" for this SRFI.
> He believes that it is ready for finalization, but would like to give
> reviewers one last chance to submit corrections and feedback before we
> finalize it.

LGTM, and a nice addition to Scheme.

The only thing is what to call the operators. The word "splicing"
reminds me of the ,@ unquote-splicing syntax which is a different thing,
but Racket is already calling it `splicing-let-syntax` and compatibility
is good.

Can you add a note to the rationale about the fact that the splicing
versions are not a drop-in replacement for the standard non-splicing
ones and hence they need to have different names?