On 2020-09-04 15:36 -0400, Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe wrote:
> The sentence "if the canvas does not exist, it
> is created" seems a little vague in its current position. Does this apply
> to canvas-cleanup, i.e. does it create a canvas to delete?
> I think it's sufficient merely to add a note to rogers about canvas
> creation. You've already done this for draw-line and draw-bezier.
I realize after re-reading that I interpreted part of the `rogers'
spec as a general requirement. Apologies. The rest of the above
can be ignored.
An additional comment:
I'm not exactly sure what this paragraph means:
> v-list may be one of the possible implementations of a frame, in the
> SICP terminology. However, in order to avoid nudging the potential
> users of the library into a particular implementation of frames, we
> opted to specify one of the possible underlying data structures
> directly. Converting between this representation, as well as any
> other representation, should be a relatively simple exercise.
From what comes before, I gather that a v-list is a list of three or
more length-two numeric lists. Maybe such a simple structure and its
operations should just be described at the head of the specification.
(Accessors would also be helpful, to eliminate the need for the
hand-rolled cadr and caddr in the `rogers' spec.)
Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe <xxxxxx@sigwinch.xyz>
"It is better to forget time altogether. Time plays no role at the
fundamental level of physics." --Carlo Rovelli