Re: is that useful? sebastian.egner@xxxxxx (22 Feb 2002 16:15 UTC)
Re: is that useful? Walter C. Pelissero (25 Feb 2002 12:02 UTC)
Re: is that useful? sperber@xxxxxx (25 Feb 2002 14:33 UTC)
Re: is that useful? Walter C. Pelissero (26 Feb 2002 14:40 UTC)
Re: is that useful? sperber@xxxxxx (26 Feb 2002 14:53 UTC)
Re: is that useful? Dave Mason (26 Feb 2002 15:28 UTC)
Re: is that useful? sperber@xxxxxx (26 Feb 2002 15:39 UTC)
Re: is that useful? Dave Mason (26 Feb 2002 16:45 UTC)
Re: is that useful? Walter C. Pelissero (26 Feb 2002 16:37 UTC)
Re: is that useful? sperber@xxxxxx (26 Feb 2002 16:41 UTC)

Re: is that useful? sperber@xxxxxx 25 Feb 2002 14:33 UTC

>>>>> "WP" == Walter C Pelissero <> writes:

WP> The sense of my previous message is: IMHO, SRFI-26 is not general
WP> enough and introduces a negligible improvement over standard
WP> Scheme.

I did a quick grep and subsequent analysis of all calls to MAP and
FOR-EACH in the current development version of Lula, which is about
15000 lines of code.  There are more than 80 partial calls to MAP and
FOR-EACH which take abstraction operands which are merely specialized
calls to other procedures.  All of them fit the pattern of SRFI 26.
On every one of them, I wanted to use something like SRFI 26 while I
was writing the code.  I conjecture there is still a number of other
calls which would benefit from SRFI 26.

So this particular application would benefit from SRFI 26 roughly
every 200 lines of code.  I don't think that's too bad.

Cheers =8-} M.
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