One again, from srfi-48:
If the number it too large to fit in the width specified, a string longer than
the width is returned
(format "~1,2F" 4321) => "4321.00"
For very large or very small numbers, the point where exponential notation is
used is implementation defined.
(format "~8F" 32e5) => " 3.2e6" or "3200000.0"
Note that the number of digits after the decimal point is as specified.
On Friday 11 June 2004 04:49 am, soo wrote:
> The following seems to be a bug of FORMAT.
> > (format "~8,3F" 3.4569e15)
> "3.456e+15"
> > (format "~8,3F" 3.4569)
> " 3.457"
> > (format "~8,2F" 3.456e15)
> "3.45e+15"
> > (format "~8,2F" 3.456)
> " 3.46"