Re: Why only left padding?
Ken Dickey 06 Mar 2004 13:40 UTC
On Saturday 6 March 2004 01:44 pm, soo wrote:
> Why only left padding?
[1] Left padding aligns columns on the right side. E.g.
[2] SRFI-48 is a midpoint between "basic" format string and full. CommonLisp
style formatting (e.g. see SLIB). The idea behind SRFI-48 is to "raise the
bar" beyond that provided by the sub-minimal SRFI-28, but not to raise it so
high that implementors would object that it is too inefficient or much
trouble to support. Left padding is minimlist.
The padding issue should probably be revisited after the (in-progress) Unicode
SRFI's get accepted and libraries exist for right-to-left as well as
(Latin-1) left-to-right writing systems.