On Thursday 27 May 2004 05:21 am, soo wrote:
> The following seems to be a bug of FORMAT.
> > (round 1.23e20)
> 1.23e+20
> > (format "~0,3F" 1.23e20)
> "1.230e+20"
> > (round 1.23e-20)
> 0.0
> > (format "~0,3F" 1.23e-20)
> "0.000"
Why do you think the above is a bug? What do you think is wrong?
The numbers you specified above both show 3 digits after the decimal point, as
The number near zero shows its leading digits as "0.000" as expected.
SRFI-48 states:
If d is specified, the number is processed as if added to 0.0, i.e. it is
converted to an inexact value.
(format "~8,2F" 1/3) => " 0.33"
Digits are padded to the right with zeros
(format "~8,2F" 32) => " 32.00"
If the number it too large to fit in the width specified, a string longer than
the width is returned
(format "~1,2F" 4321) => "4321.00"
For very large or very small numbers, the point where exponential notation is
used is implementation defined.
(format "~8F" 32e5) => " 3.2e6" or "3200000.0"