Re: Format strings are wrong
Paul Schlie 26 Dec 2003 18:36 UTC
Sorry, now with expected basic list format behavior:
(module string mzscheme
(provide (rename new-string string))
(define (new-string . params)
(letrec ((loop (lambda (val rest space)
(if space " " "")
((string? val) val)
((number? val) (number->string val))
((symbol? val) (symbol->string val))
((list? val) (string-append
"(" (loop (car val) '() #f)
(if (pair? (cdr val))
(loop (cadr val) (cddr val) #t) "") ")" ))
((char? val) (string val))
(else (begin (error 'string) "")))
(if (pair? rest) (loop (car rest) (cdr rest) space) "")))))
(loop (car params) (cdr params) #f))))
> From: Paul Schlie <>
> Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 22:01:54 -0500
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: Format strings are wrong
> Where a basic implementation of an extend (string ...) function using
> mzscheme's module system could alleviate the necessity for the most
> common historical uses of (format ...) for basic string formatting:
> (module string mzscheme
> (provide (rename new-string string))
> (define (new-string . params)
> (letrec ((loop (lambda (val rest space)
> (string-append
> (if space " " "")
> (cond
> ((string? val) val)
> ((number? val) (number->string val))
> ((symbol? val) (symbol->string val))
> ((list? val) (string-append
> "(" (loop (car val) '() #f)
> (loop (cadr val) (cddr val) #t) ")"))
> ((char? val) (string val))
> (else (begin (error'string) "")))
> (if (pair? rest) (loop (car rest) (cdr rest) space) "")))))
> (loop (car params) (cdr params) #f))))
> (require string)
> (define size 3)
> (define what 'apples)
> (string "I have " size " " what ", a character: " #\c
> ", and a list: " '(a 3.12 1/2 (f) symbol) ".")
> -> "I have 3 apples, a character: c, and a list: (a 3.12 1/2 (f) symbol)."
> -paul-