Various things Felix Winkelmann (26 Nov 2003 06:17 UTC)
Re: Various things bear (26 Nov 2003 08:36 UTC)
Re: Various things Felix Winkelmann (26 Nov 2003 09:21 UTC)
Re: Various things Felix Winkelmann (26 Nov 2003 09:26 UTC)
Re: Various things bear (26 Nov 2003 22:41 UTC)

Re: Various things Felix Winkelmann 26 Nov 2003 09:20 UTC

Am Wed, 26 Nov 2003 00:35:55 -0800 (PST) hat bear <>

> I think I agree that SRFI-48 format strings (effectively borrowed from
> C) aren't the best fit for a lispy language.  But there is a space they
> serve very well - When combined with the argument position qualifiers,
> they allow relatively easy translation of software - where you change
> just the format strings, and none of the rest of the code.
> As a variation of practice that people have had long experience with
> in C, I don't think they're a serious problem.  If the design were
> abjectly broken, I/O in C would have more trouble and pain than it
> has.
> This may not be the best way to do it, but it's a useful library for
> portability and translatability.  I don't think it would be the right
> thing to build directly into the runtime, because better libraries
> for closely related tasks can exist.  But it's still a useful library.

Oh, I have to problem with `format', I use it myself quite a lot
(and if it's only for that nifty "~{ ... ~}"). What I found curious
is that we have now two "simple" format's (one final, one
draft). Why not go for the full thing?
