customizing write-char (was Re: Format strings are wrong)
Alex Shinn 30 Dec 2003 04:07 UTC
Taylor's idea of passing a custom write-char is not so useful by
itself, but if you turn it into a FOLD operation then you can get more
interesting results. Below is an implementation of fundamental
write/display enumerators and some examples of customizing them.
Although interesting, I don't think this could taken seriously due to
being extremely slow.
;; general string utilities
(define (display->string x)
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (display x))))
(define (write->string x)
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (write x))))
;; kind of a fold for folders, or a partial application compose
;; (procN kons ... (proc2 kons (proc1 kons knil)))
(define (cat>> kons knil procs)
(let loop ((ls procs) (acc knil))
(if (null? ls) acc (loop (cdr ls) ((car ls) kons acc)))))
;; basic formatters
(define (display>> obj)
(lambda (kons knil)
((string? obj)
(string-fold kons knil obj))
((pair? obj)
(let loop ((acc (kons #\( knil))
(ls obj))
(let ((acc2 ((display>> (car ls)) kons acc))
(rest (cdr ls)))
((null? rest) acc2)
((pair? rest) (loop (kons #\space acc2) rest))
((display>> rest) kons ((display>> kons) acc2 " . "))))))))
((vector? obj)
((display>> (vector->list obj)) kons (kons #\# knil)))
(else ;; add more cases to avoid this
((display>> (display->string obj)) kons knil)))))
(define (write>> obj)
(lambda (kons knil)
((string? obj)
(kons #\" (string-fold kons (kons #\" knil) obj)))
((pair? obj)
(let loop ((acc (kons #\( knil))
(ls obj))
(let ((acc2 ((write>> (car ls)) kons acc))
(rest (cdr ls)))
((null? rest) acc2)
((pair? rest) (loop (kons #\space acc2) rest))
((write>> rest) kons ((write>> " . ") kons acc2))))))))
((vector? obj)
((write>> (vector->list obj)) kons (kons #\# knil)))
(else ;; note, intentionally display>>
((display>> (write->string obj)) kons knil)))))
;; example 1: formatting with a column counter
(define (column-writer c i)
(write-char c)
(if (eqv? c #\newline) 0 (+ i 1)))
(define (fmt>> . procs)
(cat>> column-writer 0 procs))
;; a "constant" procedure
(define (fresh-line kons knil)
(if (zero? knil)
(kons #\newline knil)))
(define (tab>> col . opt)
(lambda (kons knil)
(let* ((modulo? (and (pair? opt) (car opt)))
(width (if modulo? (modulo col knil)
(- col knil))))
(if (positive? width)
((display>> (make-string width #\space)) kons knil)
; (fmt>> (display>> "value: ") (write>> '(a "b" 3)) fresh-line)
; (fmt>> (display>> "Name: ") (write>> "Socrates") (tab>> 20)
; (display>> "Sex: ") (write>> "male") fresh-line
; (display>> "Location: ") (write>> "Athens") (tab>> 20)
; (display>> "Job: ") (write>> "corrupting the youth") fresh-line)
;; example 2: case folding
(define (upcase>> . procs)
(lambda (kons knil)
(cat>> (lambda (c i) (kons (char-upcase c) i)) knil procs)))
(define (downcase>> . procs)
(lambda (kons knil)
(cat>> (lambda (c i) (kons (char-downcase c) i)) knil procs)))
;; titlecase requires storing previous char's script type in the
;; accumulator
; (fmt>> (upcase>> (display>> "hElLo ")) (downcase>> (display>> "WOrlD!")))
;; example 3: default radix
;; This example changes the meaning of the accumulator from
;; current-column to current-radix. Similarly you could specify default
;; precision for floating point numbers. A full-featured set of
;; formatting procedures would probably define a record to hold various
;; state information and pass that as the accumulator.
;; current radix is stored in knil
(define (number>> n . opt)
(lambda (kons knil)
(let ((radix (if (pair? opt) (car opt) knil)))
((display>> (number->string n radix)) kons knil))))
;; just overrides current radix
(define (radix>> radix . procs)
(lambda (kons knil)
(cat>> kons radix procs)))
;; start off with default radix 10
(define (fmt-radix>> . procs)
(cat>> (lambda (c i) (write-char c) i) 10 procs))
; (fmt-radix>> (display>> "decimal: ") (number>> 123)
; (radix>> 16
; (display>> " hex: ") (number>> 123)
; (display>> " octal: ") (number>> 123 8)))