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Errata for SRFI 48: Intermediate Format Strings Arthur A. Gleckler (25 Oct 2017 21:32 UTC)
Re: Errata for SRFI 48: Intermediate Format Strings Arthur A. Gleckler (27 Oct 2017 17:30 UTC)
Re: Errata for SRFI 48: Intermediate Format Strings Arthur A. Gleckler (29 Oct 2017 04:48 UTC)
Re: Errata for SRFI 48: Intermediate Format Strings Arthur A. Gleckler (30 Oct 2017 17:20 UTC)
Re: Errata for SRFI 48: Intermediate Format Strings Arthur A. Gleckler (20 Nov 2017 18:25 UTC)

Errata for SRFI 48: Intermediate Format Strings Arthur A. Gleckler 25 Oct 2017 21:32 UTC

I've just published fixes and tests for errata for SRFI 48.
They were contributed by Mr. Hamayama.  I have not been able
to reach Ken Dickey, author of this SRFI, for this or
earlier issues.  However, these are changes to the
implementation, which is in a non-normative section of the
document, so I've applied them directly.

Here are Mr. Hamayama's comments on these changes:


  I tried to fix the problems of format ~F.

  I made test-Gauche.scm and got following errors.

  discrepancies found.  Errors are:
  test : (format "~1,1F" -123.95): expects "-124.0" => got "-122.0"
  test : (format "~1,2F" -999.995): expects "-1000.00" => got "-998.00"
  test : (format "~1,12F" 1/7): expects "0.142857142857" => got "0.1.4285714285"
  test : (format "~1,2F" 5.015): expects "5.02" => got "5.2."
  test : (format "~1f" 1): expects "1" => got #<<error> "FORMAT: ~w.dF directive ill-formed in \"~1f\"">
  test : (format "~7,2F" 18.0000000000008): expects "  18.00" => got "  18.0."
  test : (format "~8,0F" -14.99995999999362): expects "    -15." => got "    -13."
  test : (format "~10,3F" 1.0256): expects "     1.026" => got "     1.26."
  test : (format "~10,3F" 1.0025): expects "     1.002" => got "     1.2.0"
  test : (format "~10,3F" 1.00256): expects "     1.003" => got "     1.3.0"
  test : (format "~8,6F" 1.00001234): expects "1.000012" => got #<<error> "end argument out of range: 6">
  I fixed them and made all tests passed.

  OS: Windows 8.1 (64bit)
  DevTool: MSYS2/MinGW-w64 (64bit) (gcc version 7.1.0 (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project))
  Scheme: Gauche v0.9.6_pre4

Here's the diff:


Thank you very much, Mr. Hamayama, for the fixes and tests!


SRFI Editor