My suggestions to the R6RS committee about numerics Bradley Lucier (18 May 2005 20:38 UTC)
Re: My suggestions to the R6RS committee about numerics David Van Horn (18 May 2005 21:02 UTC)
Re: My suggestions to the R6RS committee about numerics Aubrey Jaffer (20 May 2005 19:13 UTC)
Re: My suggestions to the R6RS committee about numerics Bradley Lucier (21 May 2005 16:13 UTC)
Re: My suggestions to the R6RS committee about numerics Bradley Lucier (02 Jun 2005 18:46 UTC)

My suggestions to the R6RS committee about numerics Bradley Lucier 18 May 2005 20:38 UTC

First, I think that the suggestions in this SRFI are more aptly
directed to the editors of R6RS than to the editors of SRFIs.

At any rate, I sent document about proposed changes to numerics to
Marc Feeley last March to forward to the committee.  Since then my
thinking has evolved a bit, but I thought I would just include my
comments verbatim here.


The first part deals with IEEE 754/854 arithmetic.
If you don't support this arithmetic, then things are still up in the

6.1 Equivalence predicates

<Replace the parts about numbers with what I've written here.  BTW,
since each of these subclauses are supposed to be complete sentences
(notice the periods ending them), they should each begin with capital

The eqv? procedure returns #t if:

*  obj1 and obj2 are both IEEE 754/854 format numbers, and obj1 and
obj2 have
the same base, sign, number of exponent digits, exponent bias, biased
number of significand digits, and significand.

*  obj1 and obj2 are both exact numbers and are numerically equal
(see =, section 6.2).

The eqv? procedure returns #f if:

*  one of obj1 and obj2 is an exact number but the other is an
inexact number.

*  obj1 and obj2 are both IEEE 754/854 format numbers, and the base,
number of exponent digits, exponent bias, biased exponent, number of
digits, or significand of obj1 and obj2 differ.

*  obj1 and obj2 are exact numbers for which the = procedure returns #f.

Note: This section does not state under which conditions eqv? returns
#t or #f
for inexact numbers that are not in IEEE 754/854 format.  We
recommend that
numbers not in IEEE 754/854 format for which a base, sign, number of
digits, exponent bias, biased exponent, number of significand digits,
significand can be defined follow the same rules as above.

6.2.4 Syntax of numerical constants

<Add a syntax here for positive and negative infinity and not-a-number
(NaN) in IEEE 754/854 arithmetic.>

6.2.5. Numerical operations

(number? obj )                           procedure
(complex? obj )                          procedure
(real? obj )                             procedure
(rational? obj )                         procedure
(integer? obj )                          procedure

These numerical type predicates can be applied to any kind
of argument, including non-numbers. They return #t if the
object is of the named type, and otherwise they return #f.
In general, if a type predicate is true of a number then
all higher type predicates are also true of that number.
Consequently, if a type predicate is false of a number, then
all lower type predicates are also false of that number.

<delete this>
If z is an inexact complex number, then (real? z) is true
if and only if (zero? (imag-part z)) is true. If x is an
inexact real number, then (integer? x) is true if and only
if (= x (round x)).
<add this>
If an implementation uses IEEE 754/854 format for inexact numbers then:
*  If z is an inexact complex number, then (real? z) is true if and
only if both (exact? (imag-part z)) and (zero? (imag-part z)) are true.
*  If z is an inexact real number, then (rational? z) is true if and
if z is not positive or negative infinity or a not-a-number.

If x is a rational number, then (integer? x) is true if and only
if (= x (round x)).
<end of addition>

(complex? 3+4i) =) #t
(complex? 3) =) #t
(real? 3) =) #t
<add this>
(real? -2.5+0.0i) =) undetermined
(real? -2.5+0.0i) =) #f  if IEEE 754/854 arithmetic is used.
<end of addition>
(real? #e1e10) =) #t
(rational? 6/10) =) #t
(rational? 6/3) =) #t
(integer? 3+0i) =) #t
(integer? 3.0) =) #t
(integer? 8/4) =) #t
<delete this>
Note: The behavior of these type predicates on inexact numbers
is unreliable, since any inaccuracy may affect the result.
Note: In many implementations the rational? procedure will
be the same as real?, and the complex? procedure will be the
same as number?, but unusual implementations may be able
to represent some irrational numbers exactly or may extend the
number system to support some kind of non-complex numbers.
<end of deletion>

(exact? z)                      procedure
(inexact? z)                    procedure

These numerical precidates provide tests for the exactness of a
For any Scheme number, precisely one of these predicates is true.

<Add the following>

For implementations that allow (real z) and (imag z) to have different
exactness, then (exact? z) returns #t if and only if both (exact?
(real z))
and (exact? (imag z)) return #t.

<end of addition>

<Change the comparison predicates to the following>

(= z1 : : : ) procedure
(< x1 : : : ) procedure
(> x1 : : : ) procedure
(<= x1 : : : ) procedure
(>= x1 : : : ) procedure
These procedures return #t if their arguments are (respectively):
equal, monotonically increasing, monotonically decreasing,
monotonically nondecreasing, or monotonically
nonincreasing.  If any of these procedures is called with only one
argument then that procedure shall return #t.

These procedures are required to be transitive.

Note: The traditional implementations of these predicates in
Lisp-like languages are not transitive.

Note: If an implementation uses IEEE 754/854 format for its inexact
numbers, then these procedures shall return #f if called with two
or more arguments when one of the arguments is a NaN.

<change the following predicates>

(zero? z) library procedure
(positive? x) library procedure
(negative? x) library procedure
(odd? n) library procedure
(even? n) library procedure
These numerical predicates test a number for a particular
property, returning #t or #f.

If an implementation uses IEEE 754/854 format for its inexact
numbers, then zero?, positive?, and negative? return #f if called with
a NaN argument.

<change the following procedures>

(max x1 x2 : : : ) library procedure
(min x1 x2 : : : ) library procedure

These procedures return the maximum or minimum of their

(max 3 4) =) 4 ; exact
(max 3.9 4) =) 4.0 ; inexact

If an implementation uses IEEE 754/854 format for its inexact
numbers, and any of the arguments to max and min are NaNs, then
max and min returns one of the NaN arguments as its result.

Note: If any argument is inexact, then the result will also be
inexact (unless the procedure can prove that the inaccuracy is
not large enough to a ect the result, which is possible only in
unusual implementations). If min or max is used to compare
numbers of mixed exactness, and the numerical value of the
result cannot be represented as an inexact number without loss
of accuracy, then the procedure may report a violation of an
implementation restriction.

<change the following procedures>

(+ z1 : : : ) procedure
(* z1 : : : ) procedure

These procedures return the sum or product of their arguments.

(+ 3 4) =) 7
(+ 3) =) 3
(+) =) 0
(* 4) =) 4
(*) =) 1

Note: We recommend that (+ 0 z) => z, (* 1 z) => z, and (* 0 z) => 0
for all z.  This simplifies some rules for addition and
multiplication for complex and inexact numbers
if an implementation uses IEEE 754/854
format for its inexact arithmetic.

<change the following procedures>

(- z1 z2) procedure
(- z) procedure
(- z1 z2 : : : ) optional procedure
(/ z1 z2) procedure
(/ z) procedure
(/ z1 z2 : : : ) optional procedure

With two or more arguments, these procedures return the
difference or quotient of their arguments, associating to the
left. With one argument, however, they return the additive
or multiplicative inverse of their argument.

Note: We recommend that (- z 0) and (/ z 1) return z, (- 0 z) return
the additive inverse of z, (/ 1 z) return the multiplicative inverse
of z, (/ 0 z) return 0, and (/ z 0) be an error for
all z.  This simplifies some rules for addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division of complex and inexact numbers
if an implementation uses IEEE 754/854
format for its inexact arithmetic.

<change floor, ceiling, truncate, and round to take rational arguments,
not real arguments>

<change rationalize to take rational arguments, not real arguments>