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HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Lassi Kortela (05 Apr 2019 11:34 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Shiro Kawai (05 Apr 2019 12:05 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Lassi Kortela (05 Apr 2019 12:24 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Shiro Kawai (05 Apr 2019 17:45 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Peter Bex (05 Apr 2019 14:02 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Lassi Kortela (05 Apr 2019 15:50 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Peter Bex (05 Apr 2019 15:58 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Lassi Kortela (05 Apr 2019 16:19 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Peter (05 Apr 2019 16:47 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Peter Bex (05 Apr 2019 20:14 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Lassi Kortela (05 Apr 2019 21:51 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Shiro Kawai (05 Apr 2019 19:02 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Lassi Kortela (05 Apr 2019 13:11 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Peter (05 Apr 2019 13:20 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Lassi Kortela (05 Apr 2019 13:38 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Peter (05 Apr 2019 13:58 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Lassi Kortela (05 Apr 2019 15:18 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Arthur A. Gleckler (05 Apr 2019 21:19 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Lassi Kortela (06 Apr 2019 00:08 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Arthur A. Gleckler (06 Apr 2019 05:31 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Peter (06 Apr 2019 07:30 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Arthur A. Gleckler (06 Apr 2019 20:20 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI John Cowan (06 Apr 2019 23:10 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2019 14:12 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Arthur A. Gleckler (10 Sep 2019 14:18 UTC)
Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Peter Bex (06 Apr 2019 08:24 UTC)

Re: HTTP request handler / middleware SRFI Arthur A. Gleckler 05 Apr 2019 21:19 UTC

Lassi Kortela <> writes:

| Is there any kind of standard for HTTP server middleware
procedures?  This would make a great SRFI - nowadays an almost
universally useful abstraction, with a simple interface permitting
numerous implementation strategies.

This would be a fantastic contribution.

I'd like to help.  I have been running my own HTTP/1.0 web server,
Shuttle, on top of MIT Scheme for well over a decade.  I run it
behind Nginx now, but I ran it on its own for years.  I've never
published it because I never got around to adding support for
HTTP/1.1 or 2.0.  However, the request-response API isn't tied to
the HTTP version, and it works well, so I'll describe it here in
case it helps with your efforts.  Most of the text below is drawn
from comments in the code.

A "dispatcher" defines how each request is handled.  To add a new
dispatcher to a server, one calls:

  (web-server/add-dispatchers! web-server . web-dispatchers)

Dispatchers are created using the macro `make-web-dispatcher',
which defines:

* which incoming requests this dispatcher handles

* how to parse variable elements of the path, e.g. <month> and
<year> in "/calendar/<year>/<month>"

* how to parse query parameters

* what code should run when a matching request arrives.

The syntax is:

   (make-web-dispatcher ((request method)
                         (query-parameter ...)

* `Request' is the name of a variable which will be bound to the
`http-request' object in `body'.  Here's the definition of
`http-request', slightly simplified:

  (define-record-type http-request
      (make-http-request headers
    (headers http-request/headers)
    (http-version http-request/http-version)
    (method http-request/method)
    (peer-address http-request/peer-address)
    (port http-request/port)
    (request-arrival-time http-request/request-arrival-time)
    (uri http-request/uri)
    (web-server http-request/web-server))

* `Method' is a symbol naming an HTTP method, e.g. GET or POST.

* `Path-pattern', which is a list whose elements are either
strings, representing a literal part of the path, or lists whose
first element is the symbol `?' and whose other element is another
symbol, representing a variable part of the path.  If an element
is a literal, the path at that point must match the symbol
exactly.  If it's a variable, the path at that point can be any
value that doesn't match another pattern at the same point.  The
symbol names a variable that will be bound to this element of the
path in `body'.

For example, the sequence of path elements `("foo" (? bar))'
specifies that the pattern must start with "foo", but may then
contain any single element.  For example, "/foo/alpha" will match
that pattern, binding `bar' to "alpha", but only if there is no
other dispatcher whose path is literally `("foo" "alpha")'.

`Path-pattern' may end with a list of the form `(? . bar)'.  In
that case, the symbol names a variable, and its value will be a
list of the strings in the rest of the path.  So `(foo (? . bar))'
will match "/foo/alpha/beta", and `bar' will be bound to '("alpha"

* `Query-parameter' is a list of the query parameters that this
parameter matches.  Each query parameter may be either a symbol,
`(list symbol)', or `(optional symbol)'.  The symbol names a
variable that will be bound to the values of this query parameter
inside `body'.

If a query parameter is a symbol, then it is required.  It is an
error if the path matches and this query parameter is not included
in the URI.  It is also an error if the path matches but more than
one value is supplied for this query parameter.

If a query parameter is of the form `(list symbol)', then it
allows multiple values and is optional.  Its default value is the
empty list.  All its values will collected into a list.

If a query parameter is of the form `(optional symbol)', then it
allows zero values or one value.  If no value is supplied, its
value is #f.

For example, the query parameter `(a (list b) (optional c))'
matches the following URI query strings:

  URI query string  a    b          c
  ----------------  ---  -----      ---
  ?a=1              "1"  ()         #f
  ?a=1&b=2          "1"  ("2")      #f
  ?a=1&b=2&b=3      "1"  ("2" "3")  #f
  ?a=1&c=4          "1"  ()         "4"
  ?a=1&b=2&c=4      "1"  ("2")      "4"
  ?a=1&b=2&b=3&c=4  "1"  ("2" "3")  "4"

If a query parameter appears in a URI but without a value
(i.e. without "=value"), its value is the empty string.

Here are the rules for handler lookup using dispatchers:

  * Paths are matched by patterns that contain strings, which must
  match exactly, and variables, expressed as `(? variable)', which
  match anything between slashes.

  * Only one handler may match any particular pattern.

  * If two patterns match the same path up to some point, but one
  ends with a string and the other ends with a variable, then the
  one that ends with a string is considered the only match.
  Matching continues with it.

  * The handler for any path pattern can take only one combination
  of query parameters, although some query parameters may be
  optional and some required.  No dispatching is done on what
  combination of parameters is present.  Different paths should be
  used for this.

Every handler should return three values:

  code: response code, a number, e.g. 200 for HTTP OK

  headers: an alist of headers beyond the basic headers
  Content-Length and Content-Type

  output: a thunk that will write the output, or false if there is
  no output.  Content-Length will be computed from this

For example, here's a dispatcher used to handle some RSS feeds for
my blog:

  (make-web-dispatcher ((request get) ("blog" "label" (? label)
  "rss") ())
      (let ((symbol (intern-soft label)))
        (if (and symbol (blog-label-exists? symbol))
            (values ok-response-code      ; 200
                    '(("Content-Type" . "application/rss+xml"))
                    (lambda ()
                        (blog-posts-with-label symbol)
                        (format #f
                                "Blog posts on ~A by Arthur
                                A. Gleckler"
                                (string-capitalize (symbol->string
                        (format #f
            (signal-page-not-found 404))))

I'm not wedded to any of this, but I've found some aspects of it
particularly useful, e.g.:

  * automatic parsing of path components

  * automatic parsing of query parameters

  * passing a port as part of the request, allowing the dispatcher
  to decide what to do with any content that may be arriving with
  the request, e.g. form data or a huge file upload

  * returning a thunk so that the actual work can be done later,
  allowing the containing server to decide on things like whether
  to chunk results

  * the fact that it's easy to write procedures that use
  composition to add things like authentication to requests.
  (Logging is built into Shuttle, but it could be added this way,

I hope this is helpful.

I'm excited by the idea of standardizing web request handlers.  It
would be great to make it easy for Scheme hackers to share web
code across Scheme implementations and web servers.