Is recieve macro from base implementation of SRFI-1 in fact SRFI-8?
Jakub T. Jankiewicz 22 Aug 2021 16:50 UTC
I'm trying to use SRFI-1 base implementation in my Scheme but it lack
important pieces. They should be included with the code. Otherwise the code
is broke and doesn't work.
SRFI-1 uses receive macro and the code comment say that it's trivial to
create. Example function.
(define (split-at x k)
(check-arg integer? k split-at)
(let recur ((lis x) (k k))
(if (zero? k) (values '() lis)
(receive (prefix suffix) (recur (cdr lis) (- k 1))
(values (cons (car lis) prefix) suffix)))))
My question is this is this receive exactly the same macro as in SRFI-8?
With basic implementation like this:
(define-syntax receive
(syntax-rules ()
((receive formals expression body ...)
(call-with-values (lambda () expression)
(lambda formals body ...)))))
If yes then it should be linked somehow so you can actually run the code from
SRFI-1 base implementation.
PS: The other macro that was missing let-optional was not so trivial to
create, I've got help from Reddit:
That macro can also be documented, because as you can see from the code it's
not so simple.
Jakub T. Jankiewicz, Web Developer