[Replying to my initial email to "rebase" the thread.] So I have wrote a few scritps to extract symbols from Chibi, Shiro's wiki (practical-scheme.net) and the SRFI site meta-data. The outcome is a set of files, one for each SRFI, that respects the syntax I proposed: https://github.com/cipriancraciun/scheme-srfi-index/tree/master/srfi-templates As a reminder, there are also the following: * the proposed file s-expression-based specification: https://github.com/cipriancraciun/scheme-srfi-index/blob/master/syntax-specification.txt * a small example for a few SRFI-1 functions: https://github.com/cipriancraciun/scheme-srfi-index/blob/master/syntax-examples.txt * a "final" variant for SRFI-0 (extremly simple, no categories, no types, no signatures, etc.): https://github.com/cipriancraciun/scheme-srfi-index/blob/master/srfi-indices/srfi-0.ss The proposed workflow, as described in the readme, is: * fork the repository on GitHub; * copy the file from `./srfi-templates` to `./srfi-indices`; * start filling in the `???` with the proper values; * submit a pull request to this repository; * the pull request would then be merged; I would start next on SRFI-1, and welcome any support for filling-in at least the SRFI's pertaining to R7RS-large, as suggested by John Cowan: ~~~~ I recommend that you start with the R7RS-large Red Edition SRFIs: 1, 133, 132, 113, 14, 125, 116, 101, 134, 135, 127, 41, 111, 117, 124, 128. SRFIs 4 and 13 are also commonly used. See also <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQxrHktO6N84aXgrxFE_V2LetggjCPY8DDJ9pxiVkmTM2wmZ886A5xH11zFgEYyogm3LIYkMLCrULSi/pubhtml>. ~~~~ However before that any comments (especially about the proposed syntax) are welcome. After we have a few SRFI's indexed, I'll create a HTML-based rendering of all this data and put it on the internet. Ciprian.