started (+ which RnRS files to include and how to name them) Lassi Kortela (06 Dec 2020 09:43 UTC)
Immutable vs changing files Lassi Kortela (07 Dec 2020 11:11 UTC) started (+ which RnRS files to include and how to name them) Lassi Kortela 06 Dec 2020 09:42 UTC now has a file listing and a few files.

I added the official published version of R7RS under the filename
"r7rs.pdf". Is this good, or should it be "r7rs-official.pdf"?

At we find that the official PDFs for that standard
are named:

* r6rs.pdf
* r6rs-lib.pdf
* r6rs-app.pdf
* r6rs-rationale.pdf

At we find that the name
is "r5rs.pdf". Likewise, at the official
versions of the standards are r3rs.*, r4rs.*, and r5rs.*

We could think of some place to add "official" into these filenames, but
it would be easier to keep the above names for R6RS and below, and call
the R7RS document "r7rs.pdf".

IMHO it would be nice to add errata-corrected PDFs as well. Göran has a
set for R6RS and John has one for R7RS-small.