Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (14 Jun 2024 19:50 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (14 Jun 2024 20:15 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (16 Jun 2024 00:38 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (16 Jun 2024 13:04 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (16 Jun 2024 14:11 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Jay Sulzberger (25 Jun 2024 04:57 UTC)

Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela 14 Jun 2024 19:49 UTC

The web pages that used to live at the famous domain have now been preserved for posterity at the
Scheme Conservatory.

The following URL can be considered stable.

It is also linked from the Conservatory front page at

The git repo is at

For the morbidly curious, a snapshot from (comprising
every available timestamped copy of each file at the original domain) is
available at

The copy at the Conservatory is now browsable, apart from the links to
the papers, most of which are broken. Patches to fix the URLs in the
HTML are welcome. Beware that there are on line breaks in it.

NOTE: The domain had several sub-sites. The
Scheme-specific stuff was all at the subdomain,
and that's what I have conserved. The other sub-sites would be
interesting to conserve too, but they are off-topic for, so I
have not included them.