Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (14 Jun 2024 19:50 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (14 Jun 2024 20:15 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (16 Jun 2024 00:38 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (16 Jun 2024 13:04 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (16 Jun 2024 14:11 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Jay Sulzberger (25 Jun 2024 04:57 UTC)

Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela 14 Jun 2024 20:15 UTC

NOTE 1: The browse.html and search.html pages are missing from the
conserved copy. On the original site, they called out to a server-side
Scheme script which we don't have. I have the impression that it ran on
a then-current copy of PLT Scheme.

NOTE 2: The heading on the page incorrectly says
it's for Scheme Workshop 2005, but the page lists the correct papers for

NOTE 3: This is what the top-level domain looked like:


- Bibliography of Scheme-related Research [This is what we conserved.]

- Online Bibliography of Partial Evaluation Research

- A Mini-bibliography on Module Systems for Functional Programming Languages

- A Reading List on XML and Web Programming in Functional Programming