Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (14 Jun 2024 19:50 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (14 Jun 2024 20:15 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (16 Jun 2024 00:38 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (16 Jun 2024 13:04 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Lassi Kortela (16 Jun 2024 14:11 UTC)
Re: Readscheme conserved Jay Sulzberger (25 Jun 2024 04:57 UTC)

Re: Readscheme conserved Jay Sulzberger 25 Jun 2024 04:57 UTC

On Fri, 14 Jun 2024, Lassi Kortela <> wrote:

> The web pages that used to live at the famous domain
> have now been preserved for posterity at the Scheme Conservatory.
> The following URL can be considered stable.
> It is also linked from the Conservatory front page at
> The git repo is at
> For the morbidly curious, a snapshot from (comprising every
> available timestamped copy of each file at the original domain) is available
> at
> The copy at the Conservatory is now browsable, apart from the links to the
> papers, most of which are broken. Patches to fix the URLs in the HTML are
> welcome. Beware that there are on line breaks in it.
> NOTE: The domain had several sub-sites. The Scheme-specific
> stuff was all at the subdomain, and that's what I have
> conserved. The other sub-sites would be interesting to conserve too, but they
> are off-topic for, so I have not included them.

Thanks, Lassi Kortela and Team!
