proposing a simpler mechanism R. Kent Dybvig (13 Nov 2009 03:00 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Thomas Bushnell BSG (13 Nov 2009 04:23 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Taylor R Campbell (13 Nov 2009 04:31 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism R. Kent Dybvig (13 Nov 2009 16:22 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Per Bothner (13 Nov 2009 16:56 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Thomas Bushnell BSG (13 Nov 2009 04:54 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Alex Queiroz (13 Nov 2009 13:44 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Marc Feeley (13 Nov 2009 14:24 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Thomas Bushnell BSG (13 Nov 2009 18:39 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Thomas Bushnell BSG (13 Nov 2009 18:36 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Alex Queiroz (13 Nov 2009 19:08 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Thomas Bushnell BSG (13 Nov 2009 19:21 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism David Van Horn (13 Nov 2009 19:25 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Thomas Bushnell BSG (13 Nov 2009 19:36 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism David Van Horn (13 Nov 2009 19:58 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Arthur A. Gleckler (13 Nov 2009 20:25 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism David Van Horn (12 Jan 2010 18:51 UTC)

Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Per Bothner 13 Nov 2009 16:37 UTC

For completeness, I'd like to have:

(define (arg-count->bitmask min-count max-count) ...)

where min-count is the minimum number of arguments,
and max-count is the maximum number, or -1.
(A non-infinite maximum is useful for optional arguments.)

That is easy (just a couple of shifts and masks);
a little harder are the inverse functions:

(define (bitmask->min-count mask) ...)
(define (bitmask->max-count mask) ...)

I think these are expressible using bitwise-length and
bitwise-first-bit-set, but I haven't tried to work it out.
	--Per Bothner