Alex Shinn scripsit:
> Given the nature of the SRFI I don't think an implementation without
> disjoint cursors is sufficient. I'll write one for Chibi.
That's excellent, and there is no reason not to have more than one
implementation in the SRFI repo. But the process does prioritize
portable implementations, even if inefficient, over non-portable ones.
So I'll go ahead and put together the tests, library files, and portable
> I'm slightly concerned about the feasibility of implementing this
> efficiently in other implementations. In Chicken with the utf8 egg at
> least it would require heap allocation which could make some string
> algorithms measurably slower.
Cursors need not be heap allocated if they are negative fixnums, which
is explicitly called out as legitimate. 0 is both a cursor and an index
under this scheme, but that's all right, because it means the same thing
in both cases.
> [I like the new draft very much, btw, I just haven't had time to
> review in detail yet].
I look forward to it. As should be plain, I went back to SRFI 13 and
cut it down, then added cursor operations, string->vector/cursors, and
string-split from the previous drafts.
John Cowan
I marvel at the creature: so secret and so sly as he is, to come sporting
in the pool before our very window. Does he think that Men sleep without
watch all night? --Faramir