Re: chibi version and test suite
John Cowan 10 May 2016 14:28 UTC
Alex Shinn scripsit:
> I've just pushed an initial version of SRFI 130 for chibi:
$ chibi-scheme
> (import (srfi 130))
> (string-contains-right "eek -- it's a geek." "ee" 12 18)
ERROR in lp on line 173 of file ./lib/srfi/130.scm: string-ref: index out of range
{String-Cursor #15 2}
> (string-contains "eek -- it's a geek." "ee" 12 18)
ERROR in "string-contains": invalid type, expected String-Cursor: 12
I'm holding up last call on SRFI 130 until I can get string-contains-right
in the sample implementation (hacked-up SRFI 13) working correctly.
It's not easy.
John Cowan
I could dance with you till the cows come home. On second thought,
I'd rather dance with the cows when you come home.
--Rufus T. Firefly