Date Index - July 2019 -

01 Jul 2019 15:12 UTC Re: Further comments on the SRFI hga@xxxxxx
01 Jul 2019 15:28 UTC Re: Further comments on the SRFI hga@xxxxxx
02 Jul 2019 12:26 UTC Validation Amirouche Boubekki
02 Jul 2019 13:16 UTC Re: Validation hga@xxxxxx
02 Jul 2019 13:24 UTC Re: Validation Amirouche Boubekki
02 Jul 2019 13:40 UTC Re: Validation Amirouche Boubekki
02 Jul 2019 17:13 UTC Re: Validation hga@xxxxxx
03 Jul 2019 18:02 UTC Re: Validation hga@xxxxxx
04 Jul 2019 20:28 UTC Re: Validation Amirouche Boubekki
06 Jul 2019 15:20 UTC Mutation triggers, really (was Validation) hga@xxxxxx
06 Jul 2019 18:21 UTC Unstructured transactions considered harmful John Cowan
06 Jul 2019 18:21 UTC Re: Mutation triggers, really (was Validation) John Cowan
07 Jul 2019 09:25 UTC Re: More documentation Amirouche Boubekki
07 Jul 2019 13:46 UTC Work-in-progress pull request for draft #5 Amirouche Boubekki
07 Jul 2019 13:55 UTC Re: Unstructured transactions considered harmful Amirouche Boubekki
07 Jul 2019 14:32 UTC Re: Unstructured transactions considered harmful John Cowan
07 Jul 2019 14:33 UTC Re: Work-in-progress pull request for draft #5 hga@xxxxxx
07 Jul 2019 14:55 UTC Re: Unstructured transactions considered harmful hga@xxxxxx
07 Jul 2019 15:26 UTC Re: no-transaction support hga@xxxxxx
07 Jul 2019 16:15 UTC Re: Unstructured transactions considered harmful John Cowan
07 Jul 2019 17:43 UTC Re: Unstructured transactions considered harmful hga@xxxxxx
07 Jul 2019 23:40 UTC Short naming note on the deletion operations hga@xxxxxx
08 Jul 2019 04:56 UTC Re: Unstructured transactions considered harmful John Cowan
08 Jul 2019 05:03 UTC Re: Short naming note on the deletion operations John Cowan
08 Jul 2019 07:33 UTC Re: Work-in-progress pull request for draft #5 Amirouche Boubekki
08 Jul 2019 07:41 UTC Re: no-transaction support Amirouche Boubekki
08 Jul 2019 07:56 UTC Re: Unstructured transactions considered harmful Amirouche Boubekki
08 Jul 2019 10:50 UTC Back to "constraints" for validation hga@xxxxxx
08 Jul 2019 15:06 UTC Re: no-transaction support hga@xxxxxx
08 Jul 2019 17:50 UTC Re: Initial comments through 3.3 File System hga@xxxxxx
08 Jul 2019 19:50 UTC Re: Initial comments through 3.3 File System John Cowan
08 Jul 2019 20:27 UTC Re: Back to "constraints" for validation John Cowan
08 Jul 2019 20:53 UTC Re: Work-in-progress pull request for draft #5 John Cowan
29 Jul 2019 20:05 UTC New draft (#5) of SRFI 167: Ordered Key Value Store Arthur A. Gleckler
30 Jul 2019 02:57 UTC Re: New draft (#5) of SRFI 167: Ordered Key Value Store Rhys Ulerich