Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 16:29 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 16:34 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 16:42 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Lassi Kortela (10 Sep 2020 16:57 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 17:09 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Lassi Kortela (10 Sep 2020 17:21 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 17:35 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 17:37 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 17:36 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 17:51 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (10 Sep 2020 18:11 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 18:49 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (10 Sep 2020 18:52 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 19:02 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Lassi Kortela (10 Sep 2020 19:12 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 19:08 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Lassi Kortela (10 Sep 2020 19:16 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 19:23 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 19:28 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Shiro Kawai (10 Sep 2020 19:58 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 20:02 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Shiro Kawai (10 Sep 2020 20:13 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (10 Sep 2020 20:19 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 20:49 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 13:20 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 14:04 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 14:56 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 15:32 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (10 Sep 2020 20:18 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 13:50 UTC)
R7RS scope & yearly editions Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 14:10 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 14:22 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 14:26 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 14:31 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 14:48 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions & language interop Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 15:20 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions & language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 15:28 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions & language interop John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 17:11 UTC)
Language interop Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 17:55 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 18:04 UTC)
Re: Language interop Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 18:14 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 18:28 UTC)
Re: Language interop hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 18:51 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 20:29 UTC)
Re: Language interop hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 21:00 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (12 Sep 2020 07:26 UTC)
Re: Language interop Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 19:18 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 20:38 UTC)
Re: Language interop John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 20:51 UTC)
Re: Language interop hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 18:30 UTC)
Re: Language interop John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 19:46 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 20:15 UTC)
Re: Language interop John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 19:42 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 15:35 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 15:56 UTC)
Interlisp and structural code editing Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 17:45 UTC)
Re: Interlisp and structural code editing John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 20:16 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 16:57 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 17:23 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 20:31 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Arthur A. Gleckler (12 Sep 2020 17:39 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 16:39 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 17:01 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 17:15 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 18:40 UTC)

Re: Language interop hga@xxxxxx 11 Sep 2020 21:00 UTC

> From: "Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen" <>
> Date: Friday, September 11, 2020 3:28 PM
> Am Fr., 11. Sept. 2020 um 20:50 Uhr schrieb <>:
>> That goal was and is not one of the major problems with R6RS!  Not to
>> mention that another was its finalization 1 month before the first
>> release of Clojure.
>> If any of us have a pet project that's a true application with wide
>> appeal, but really needs help to get it to progress well, please ask.
>> Certainly too early for a Schemeapp topic, but the phenomena of the
>> "killer app" certainly sells hardware.  In the bad old days, it sold
>> languages like FORTAN, LISP and COBOL.
>> But today both are functions of ecosystems, one reason you buy an
>> iPhone or an Android phone is because too many things you need have
>> apps on those two ecosystems, and no others.  Python, the JVM, they
>> have huge ecosystems, and Clojure's success, especially in writing
>> real world applications, is intimately tied to that.
> Clojure, being tied to the JVM, has the same evaluation model

I don't know what this means in this context.

> and, in particular, no proper tail calls. Why would I consider it
> a proper functional language?

It's a hosted language, CLR and JVM first, now I believe JavaScript and
JVM are the big platforms.  For the JVM, it has hacks that cover a
good fraction of proper tail call use cases.  One is even nice in
confirming a tail call during compilation (in the modern style,
everything is compiled before execution), so you catch errors there
error instead of by blowing your stack.

But last time I checked, functional programming wasn't defined by TCO,
however nice it is, and I assume essential to your FP coding style.
Let's see, maybe Wikipedia isn't horrible in its introductory

  In computer science, functional programming is a programming
  paradigm where programs are constructed by applying and composing
  functions. It is a declarative programming paradigm in which
  function definitions are trees of expressions that each return a
  value, rather than a sequence of imperative statements which change
  the state of the program.

  In functional programming, functions are treated as first-class
  citizens, meaning that they can be bound to names (including local
  identifiers), passed as arguments, and returned from other
  functions, just as any other data type can. This allows programs to
  be written in a declarative and composable style, where small
  functions are combined in a modular manner.

  Functional programming is sometimes treated as synonymous with
  purely functional programming....

Clojure is a *lot* more purely functional than Scheme, is by default
functional, with mutation isolated to special cases, including the
MVCC STM one.  The data structures are all immutable and readable, and
the collections are particularly well done, primarily lists, vectors,
maps, and sets.

All that said, and a lot more unsaid, its lack of a real community
(well, at least reaching to the keepers of the core language) is not
the only reason I'm back to Scheme.

- Harold