Fundamental design flaws
Tom Lord
(29 Oct 2003 17:46 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(29 Oct 2003 19:13 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Bradd W. Szonye
(29 Oct 2003 20:06 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(29 Oct 2003 20:47 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws Tom Lord (29 Oct 2003 23:24 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Taylor Campbell
(30 Oct 2003 01:53 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 04:42 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Tom Lord
(30 Oct 2003 16:52 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 17:11 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Tom Lord
(30 Oct 2003 16:33 UTC)
RE: Fundamental design flaws
Anton van Straaten
(30 Oct 2003 16:52 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Bradd W. Szonye
(30 Oct 2003 17:19 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 18:13 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Bradd W. Szonye
(30 Oct 2003 21:18 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 21:26 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Bradd W. Szonye
(30 Oct 2003 21:35 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 21:49 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Bradd W. Szonye
(30 Oct 2003 21:55 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 22:05 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Bradd W. Szonye
(30 Oct 2003 22:28 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 22:52 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Alex Shinn
(31 Oct 2003 03:04 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(31 Oct 2003 03:20 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Alex Shinn
(31 Oct 2003 07:13 UTC)
RE: Fundamental design flaws
Anton van Straaten
(30 Oct 2003 23:07 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Bradd W. Szonye
(31 Oct 2003 03:12 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 21:57 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Tom Lord
(30 Oct 2003 20:23 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 20:35 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 17:06 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Bradd W. Szonye
(30 Oct 2003 17:26 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 18:15 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 18:48 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 19:35 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 19:45 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 20:08 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 20:40 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 20:48 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Tom Lord
(30 Oct 2003 20:49 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
(30 Oct 2003 21:02 UTC)
Re: Fundamental design flaws
Bradd W. Szonye
(30 Oct 2003 21:26 UTC)
For me, currently, there are at least six big issues with the srfi. I will list these and then say more about each below. 1) lack of extensibility 2) requirement for and definition of procedures for which valid arguments can not be provided using only the facilities of the srfi (and standard scheme) 3) unfortunate class hierarchy 4) absense of reasonable support for iterators 5) unfortunate handling of "equivalence functions" 6) buggy and incomplete implementation with unreasonable dependencies. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1) lack of extensibility I simply do not believe your claims that adding definitions for type constructors would in any serious way damage implementations. Nothing about type constructors would _require_ that all collection types are created by them; nothing would prevent native collection types from having whatever representations they like. Collection type constructors could be reasonably implemented in a reference implementation by using the facilities of srfi-9. Collection type constructors are a prerequisite for allowing people to write portable implementations of collection types. While a portable implementation may or may not be less efficient than a native one, many useful collection types would perform quite reasonably using just about any reasonable implementation of srfi-9, a srfi which I would hope that any non-trivial Scheme implementation seeks to implement well. 2) unusable procedures 44 defines procedures which client programs have no use for. For example, all of the SET functions could be correctly implemented as: (define (set-fn . ignored) (error "there is no such thing as a set")) Specifications of such procedures should come after, not before the specification of values that would make them meaningful. 3) unfortunate class hierarchy I recognize that there are, for example, operations which apply generically to sequences and dictionaries. It is a fine idea to provide an abstract interface to such operations, much as Common Lisp does for sequences. However, this srfi goes much further than that. In particular, it requires that, in these abstract interfaces, a list or a vector is always a sequence and never a dictionary. The reason it must do so is because it seeks to unify everything that might vaguely be called a "collection" in a class hierarchy, and to provide abstract interfaces to collections in general. No motivation is provided, however, for the existence of a COLLECTION? type. And if it is the case that a COLLECTION? type is truly desirable, no rationale is provided to explain why SEQUENCE? gets the privilege of subsuming the LIST? type rather than, say SET? or DICTIONARY?. Related to this is the fact that some procedures that accept a collection are, in fact, partial functions of the set of collections. Let me put this a little differently: supposing I really like the abstract parts of the collections interface of 44 but I'm writing a program that wants to use ordinary lists (plus some other implementation-specific types) as _dictionaries_ not sequences. It'd be swell to have the genericty of 44 to help me operate transparently on either of these two representations, but I can't -- because in 44 a list is always a sequence, not a dictionary. I wonder if it wouldn't be an improvement to _not_ attempt to provide a "collections" interface, but rather to provide separate interfaces for sets, dictionaries, and sequences? I'll happily live without COLLECTION-COPY if you can give me both DICTIONARY-COPY (accepting normal association lists) and SEQUENCE-COPY (accepting normal lists). 4) absense of reasonable support for iterators Let us suppose that I would like to iterate over the elements of two or more collections, randomly choosing which collection to pick an element from next. The -FOLD- procedures permit me to do this but only by one of a few means all of which seem to be horribly inefficient compared to what is achievable: I can convert the collections to lists or some other type; I can use call/cc. Compared to, say, incrementing an index integer or taking the CDR of a pair, those techniques for iteration over multiple collections are horrible. It is a serious weakness of 44 that it does not define generic interfaces to iterators which would not require those techniques. 5) unfortunate handling of "equivalence functions" Similarly to the way that 44 forces all lists to be sequences but not dictionaries, it also forces all lists to EQV?-based bags. Parametric equality is pervasive in Scheme (and, really, all lisp dialects). You've got MEMQ, MEMV, and MEMBER, for example. I am not at all clear why I would really want just BAG-CONTAINS? for example rather than BAG-CONTQ?, BAG-CONTV?, BAG-CONTAINS? (and, perhaps BAG-CONTAINS=? to permit an arbitrary predicate). For something like a hash table, sure -- at creation time I really need to establish what notion of equality (and hence, hashing) is in play -- but for bags? 6) buggy and incomplete implementation with unreasonable dependencies. Bugs and missing things can be fixed, of course, but in its current state, the srfi truly ought to be rejected by the editors on this basis. Tiny-Clos is, in my opinion, a quite unreasonable dependency. At the _very_ least it should be included in the reference implementation so that the proposal is self contained. Personally, I would much prefer to see a reference implementation based on srfi-9 rather than one that defines lots of complicated new functionality well outside the scope of the srfi. A few srfis are clearly special: they either can't be portably implemented or a portable implementation is, at best, a toy. srfi-9 is a good example of the latter. Informally, though, the _point_ of such foundational srfis is quite sophisticated: to provide a spec that interfaces can implement in a non-toy fashion without compromising their quality, and to spare future srfis from having reference implementations that share those unfortunate properties. Since srfi-9 is ample mechanism to implement 44, it would be vastly preferable to dragging in Tiny-Clos. Perhaps it would be helpful to take a more bottom-up approach. Rather than trying to make a "collections" srfi that is a 100% solution for that domain, start by making a "sequences" srfi and a "dictionary" srfi and a "set" srfi -- and then see whether there are higher-order generalizations to make after that. -t