> > From: Michael Sperber <xxxxxx@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de>
> Tom> I think that the (still incomplete) C API to Pika Scheme is,
> Tom> overall, a better candidate for a portable FFI.
> > It'd help if you'd be more specific as to the whys and whats.
> > From a glance at the documentation, I can only conclude "... and
> > I think not."
> To be more specific:
> a) It currently uses output parameters for return values and
> pointers to variables for parameters -- it addresses the GC-safety
> issues we've been discussing.
> b) It adds a "scheme instance" parameter to all functions (called an
> "arena" rather than an "instance" in the Pika code).
> c) It uses error return codes rather than non-local exits to signal
> errors to and from C code.
I left out (d), that it has a read/write barrier over local variables
containing Scheme values.