Re: flow of control issues
Michael Sperber 27 Dec 2003 16:21 UTC
>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Lord <> writes:
Tom> It's silent about asynchronous interrupts which, while not standard
Tom> Scheme, are likely to be an important feature of most
Tom> implementations. In an interactive application especially, absense of
Tom> support for asynchronous interruption in "built-in" procedures can
Tom> spoil an application's usability.
Unfortunately, the interfaces to the asynchronous facilities vary
greatly between platforms. I've found that polling is rarely enough.
(MzScheme actually provides some functionality to interface with
asynchronous facilities. It's a good start, but needs work to be made
more Scheme-implementation-agnostic.)
While this is an issue that's clearly worth addressing, it's not clear
to me that it needs to be done in this SRFI.
Cheers =8-} Mike
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