Re: Formal spec; implementation; nesting
Paul Schlie 12 Jan 2005 01:45 UTC
> From: Alpine Petrofsky <>
> I encourage anyone who would like to see different behavior
> standardized to provide a formal specification of what he desires.
This should do it, and feels somewhat simpler:
<comment> -> <datum-comment> | ; <all-subsequent-chars-up-to-a-line-break>
<datum-comment> -> #; <datum-or-comment>
<datum-or-comment> -> <datum> | <datum-comment> | <empty>
Which should satisfy the following reader scenarios:
(#; <a> #; '<b>) => ()
(<a> #; #; '<b>) => (<a>)
(#; #; <a> '<b>) => ('<b>)
(<a> '<b> #; #;) => (<a> '<b>)
Where if it's also desired to define what ' ` , mean if applied to <empty>,
then comment need only be extended with a definition of <quote-comment>:
<comment> -> <datum-comment>
| <quote-comment>
| ; <all-subsequent-chars-up-to-a-line-break>
<quote-comment> -> ' <empty> | ` <empty> | , <empty> | @, <empty>
(although basically cheating, vs re-writing ' ` , @, patterns)
Which should satisfy the following further reader scenarios:
(' #; <a> ') => ()
(' <a> #; ') => ('<a>)
As although quoting <empty>, or commenting <empty> is redundant, there seems
no good reason to generate an error; just as quoting a <literal> is also
redundant and doesn't generate an error.