> I've started working on Scheme tutorial it's a draft and only in Polish, but > it have code examples that you can look at the code is in English. I plan to > finish it I hope I will have time in 2021. And translate it to English. And I > hope that others would join and translate it to other languages. > > I wanted it to be crash intro course that include everything that is > important. The license is Creative Commons Attribution share-alike. > > The idea is to make it interactive, I was thinking about sidebar with REPL or > bottom one, like my bookmark that work on any website. > > Another idea is to use something like Klipse quick intro to Scheme[2], Klipse > itself is Open Source, but the tutorial is not. > > [1]:https://github.com/jcubic/interactive-scheme-tutorial/blob/master/pl/index.md Looks good and covers quite advanced topics for a beginner tutorial. That may be a good thing - Scheme is a good language for experienced programmers, and we should do more to market that fact. > [2]:https://blog.klipse.tech/scheme/2016/09/11/scheme-tutorial-1.html Likewise, looks great. There's also: - https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Scheme_Programming - https://ds26gte.github.io/tyscheme/ (classic, r5rs?) - https://web-artanis.com/scheme.html (guile) - https://riptutorial.com/scheme (chicken) - probably others It would be great to synthesize one comprehensive tutorial from these ones to put under Scheme.org, if you're open to the idea. We may have some others who are also interested in working on a tutorial, but I'm not sure how to best find them. https://github.com/schemedoc is a reasonably big GitHub organization to collaborate on Scheme documentation on all kinds. The idea is to put most of it under Scheme.org when it's ready. I can add you if you want.