Issue about Retropikzel (06 Dec 2022 08:10 UTC)
Re: Issue about Lassi Kortela (06 Dec 2022 08:41 UTC)
Re: Issue about Retropikzel (06 Dec 2022 09:05 UTC)
Re: Issue about Lassi Kortela (06 Dec 2022 09:24 UTC)
Re: Issue about Retropikzel (06 Dec 2022 09:51 UTC)
Re: Issue about Lassi Kortela (06 Dec 2022 10:18 UTC)

Re: Issue about Lassi Kortela 06 Dec 2022 09:24 UTC

> I agree that it makes sens to have it in GitHub. However I do not have
> GitHub account so I hope you dont mind if I tell you about the issues
> here anyway. :)

Sure, go ahead. There are many schemers who don't like GitHub, so we
shouldn't force people to use it.

> One reason I would prefer issues of git repo over mailing list is that
> if there is an issue and answer is "This issue is known but we cant/wont
> do anything aboout it because of reason X" then people who run into the
> issue again can search the issues and see that this has already been
> adressed. So if any of my issues is one of those feel free to ad it as
> an issue to GitHub. Sorry in advance for extra work.

True. Perhaps there could even be a FAQ on the website.

Many aspects of the site and infrastructure are still taking shape. If
you want to write or implement something, help is welcome.

> # Cloning repository with SSH
> When trying to clone repository with SSH the address is displayed as
> xxxxxx@localhost:Username/repository.git which I assume should be
> But even after I change the address to correct one on my machine it says:
> ```
> Cloning into 'Instructions'...
> Permission denied (publickey).
> fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
> Please make sure you have the correct access rights
> and the repository exists.
> ```
> Even when I have the ssh key added in my account settings.
> I will send the other issue in other thread because it is related to
> backups.
> Please do note that I do not expect anyone to hurry or even fix these
> things at all and last thing I want to add is stress.

No stress.

SSH access to git doesn't work; that's a known problem. Currently you
have to use HTTPS.

The reason is that runs on the same server as many
other subdomains, so the SSH port of that server is needed for overall
SSH access to the server. Gitea runs in a Docker container, and runs its
own SSH server. The SSH protocol doesn't have a reliable feature to
differentiate between different hostnames on the same IP address, so we
can't configure the server so that `ssh` and `ssh` talk to different SSH daemons.

By far the easiest and most reliable solution (to both admins and users)
is to buy a second IPv4 address for the server, and assign Gitea's SSH
server to that IP. I think it costs about a dollar per month.